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Photography Competition
Midland Chase Region – The Year of Progress not Perfection

Midland Chase Region – The Year of Progress not Perfection


This year our theme is “Progress not Perfection”. As part of my year as Regional President I would like to have a lasting record of members’ personal views of our theme, and of course I need your help with this. So I have asked our three elected members – Val, Melanie and Jenny – to devise a  to capture our members’ visual take on the theme of “Progress not Perfection.

Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery

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SI Midland Chase President-Elect Judith Carder will take modern slavery as the theme for her year in 2021-2. It’s also a subject that fits within our current Presidential theme of Mind The Gap. Judith recently arranged an excellent short training course for SIMC members delivered by Voice of Hope a Stoke on Trent based charity raising awareness of, and working to end modern slavery. It’s summarised here…