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Activity: Nottingham Women’s Centre

For many years we have worked hand in hand with the Women’s Centre to deliver programmes and facilities to meet our shared objectives. The Women’s Centre has recently quoted ‘We cherish and value the relationship the Nottingham Women’s Centre has with the Soroptimists based on our shared values and working together to improved women’s lives by tackling injustice so they can lead safe and happy lives free from inequality, violence and oppression’

Activity: Women’s Refuges

Members regularly assemble welcome and leaving packs for occupants of Women’s Refuges in Nottingham. In addition to providing toiletries etc in welcome packs, we donate Christmas presents to each of the 3 refuges

Activity – WeRHere

  • Helping with the garden, to make a relaxing space for the users of the service
  • Accessory sale to raise funds

– WeRHere evening July 2019

What a fabulous meeting, hearing from inspirational Hilary Brown CEO of WeRHere about the wonderful, vital work they are doing to help vulnerable and traumatised people and families in Nottingham.We had an Accessories Sale which raised £103.50 which was presented to Hilary at the end of the meeting.  The pictures show some of the goods on sale, and Hilary (left) receiving the cheque from Mary.

Activity –  Emmanuel House

Collecting Sanitary Ware for homeless women currently staying at Emmanuel House

Activity – S.I. Eldoret, Kenya

This is one of our International Link Clubs. They have a project to build toilets for disabled and elderly residents in a village near Eldoret. To fund raise for this, one of our members, Lina held a dinner party serving up African/Sierra Leone dishes. She had an excellent sous chef in fellow club member, Resil. Both Lina and Resil hail from Sierra Leone. An evening of eating, drinking and fund raising!

Lina (R) and Resil (L)
Fundraising supper for SI Eldoret

Activity – Action Aid

With monthly donations to Action Aid we are supporting the education of a young girl in Kenya, Nasoi

Activity – S.I Stefan Voda, Moldova

We have been fund raising to help our sisters in Moldova. They are close to the border with Ukraine and are assisting refugees fleeing the war. In addition they have a residential unit for 19 vulnerable children at risk from domestic violence. They have now acquired the neighbouring property and want to accommodate women who are also fleeing domestic violence. We have donated to this project

Activity – Journalism Award

Every year we invite students from the Journalism Department of Nottingham Trent University to submit a piece of work on a topic associated with the aims and objects of Soroptimism. Submissions are either audio or visual or both. A presentation of a cheque is made at the Graduation ceremony. We re-named the Award this year – it is now the Audrey Jones Journalism Award – to reflect the hard work and inspiration of Audrey, who initiated this project