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79th Regional AGM, Conference and SI Brixham Friendship Weekend June 7th-9th June 2019

This was Audrey Taylor’s three months as Regional President and the Regional AGM, Conference and friendship weekend was held in Brixham.

Six of us attended the day and SP (one of the Regional Presidents this year) and DH attended the whole weekend. The first part of the morning was the AGM including reports, election and announcement of Regional Officers.

The three speakers were inspirational: Nigel Smallbones, a former Countryside Ranger, Liz Long, founder of Lisa’s School and Ella Scott, International Aid Worker, Federation President Sue Williams gave a very positive presentation including the Growth Plan, the introduction of a new website amongst other very interesting and encouraging information. More information on the talks can be found on the Regional Website.

SP and DH enjoyed the other events and we brought home lots of teddies to add to our collection. The weekend was very enjoyable and successful and we thank SI Brixham for making us feel so welcome.