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induction of New Member

Cannock Soroptimists were delighted to welcome a new member to their Club at their  September business meeting.  She is Elizabeth Frondigoun, whom many people know from her ministry in Cannock at St Luke’s Church.  Team President Lakhwinder Thompson inducted Elizabeth as a Soroptimist and Elizabeth thanked the Club for their warm welcome and told members that she was looking forward to working with them on their projects which support women and children.

Members heard reports of many of the initiatives they support: a recent coffee morning raised £260 for the Oxfam bucket appeal: the 14-litre Oxfam Bucket was designed to provide a safe storage option to organisations working on water safety in the home or refugee camps; members were asked to bring cakes along to the next meeting – these will be taken to St Giles Hospice; and they watched a DVD produced by the Prison Reform Trust which highlights the need for provision other than prison for women offenders.  Soroptimists throughout the UK are working in partnership with the Prison Reform Trust on this issue.

At their next meeting on October 8th club secretary Janis Lomas, an historian, will be the speaker.  The title of her talk is “Soldiering On”, it is centred around letters written by war widows.

October 22nd is the Club’s annual International Night. This year the entertainment is to be provided by a Black Country comedian and the proceeds of the evening will be for the BIG – Birthing in The Gambia – project. This is a 3 year Soroptimist project to provide maternity facilities and nursing in The Gambia.  


Photo attached: l to r: new member Elizabeth Frondigoun with Lakhwinder Thompson, Team President SI Cannock & District