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59th Annual Dinner

Cannock Soroptimists celebrated their 59 years as a Club at their Annual Dinner which was held at The Barns on February 7th. Team President Sue Gay took the chair and gave a warm welcome to 76 Soroptimists and guests.  Mistress of Ceremonies was Team President Pam McGauley, who entertained everyone throughout with her lovely wit and humour.    

 Alan Holdcroft, President of the Rotary Club of Cannock, was unable to be present at the event due to illness but he still sent his message on behalf of himself and the Rotary Club. It was read on his behalf by Rotarian Peter Gay, Past District Governor   and husband of SI Cannock Team President Sue. In the toast to Soroptimist International, Alan, via Peter, commended the organisation for their work giving help and hope to women and children all over the world.

 Edna Schafer-Hughes, President of Midland Chase Region responded and added her congratulations to the club for the work they do locally. 

 The speaker for the evening was Derek Poulson, who entertained with his talk ‘It ain’t what you say, it’s the way that you say it’. It was a whistle-stop tour of the British Isles in terms of accents and regional dialects. He used his acting skills to change his voice and intonation and the company was in gales of laughter throughout his talk.

The Vote of Thanks to Derek Poulson was given by Pam McGauley and President Sue ended a very enjoyable evening by wishing everyone a safe journey home.

 At the AGM in April, Cannock Soroptimists will begin their 60th, Diamond, year and many special events are being organised to allow plenty of fun and friendship whilst raising awareness of and funds for many projects to Educate, Empower and Enable women throughout the world.  

 The Club would particularly like to invite past members to join them during the year and are now compiling a list of names and contact numbers to be sure they can give everyone plenty of timely information.  Please email; phone 07971 494510, or speak to any current member of the club. More information is available on the website:

President Pam, Derek PoulsonSI C&D Annual Dinner 2014 
Photo: l to r: Team President Pam McGauley, SI Cannock & District with Derek Poulson  Presidents Pam & Sue, Annual Dinner 2014

Photo 2: l to r: Team Presidents SI Cannock & District Pam McGauley & Sue Gay