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Ironman cheque presentation

Members of Cannock Soroptimist International were delighted to be able to present a cheque for £250.00 to the Pathway Project which gives help and advice to women victims of domestic violence. The money was ‘earned’ by club members acting as marshals for the Staffordshire Ironman 2016. Six club members joined Rotarians from the district to marshal points along the 56 mile bike ride. Several athletes participating donated some of their sponsorship to charities nominated by the marshals.  This was co-ordinated by Rotary and the charities benefited had to fulfil certain criteria. Cannock Soroptimists were really pleased to be able to provide support and encouragement to the athletes whilst ensuring a charity close to their hearts would benefit. Hayley Cliff, Deputy Director of Pathway, accepted the cheque from Immediate Past President of SI Cannock & District, Carole Holdcroft.


Ironman cheque presentation SI  Cannock June 2017 (1) (Large)

Photo:  l to r: Soroptimist June Bould; Hayley Cliff from Pathway; Carole Holdcroft, Immediate Past President SI Cannock & District; Soroptimists Jill Gooch, Maggie Shore and Trish Mellor