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Norton Canes Summer Fayre

Members of SI Cannock enjoyed an afternoon at Norton Canes Community Centre Summer Fair on Sunday 30th July, collecting household items for Pathway (victims of domestic violence).  Members were extremely grateful to Hednesford Lions who donated a large amount of items and also people who attended the fayre.  Volunteers at Pathway will make up packs of the household items that have been donated for when the women move to alternative accommodation.

During the afternoon members sold gift packs of toiletries and lavender bags, money raised will go to Meru Women’s Garden Project. The projects aim is to educate, enable and empower women in Meru County, Kenya by providing agricultural training and equipment to enable women to feed their families

Members were able to talk to other stall holders and fayre-goers about why they love being part of SI Cannock and the work they do for charities and also raising awareness of issues relevant to women and girls around the world such as domestic violence, female genital mutilation, modern day slavery and trafficking.

Norton Canes Photo 2