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SI Cannock Quiz Night

Cannock Soroptimists held a very successful Quiz night at the Barns recently.  The quiz was one of the events planned to raise funds for Pathway, the local project providing support and refuge to women victims of domestic violence.  Club President, Val Jones, chose Pathway as one of the local charities for the year. The club continues to provide toiletries, gifts for birthdays and Christmas and household goods for when the women are in a position to be re-housed.

The quiz, organised by Soroptimist June Bould, this year attracted 14 teams – from Soroptimists, Rotarians, Hednesford Lions, 41 Club, and many other friends.  Chris Wardle was quiz master – and in case of dispute – his answer was final!!  All of the teams did well and there was a lively and friendly atmosphere; the winning team was ‘Balmer’s Bunch’, they each won a bottle of wine.  SI Cannock’s team ‘Spring Chickens’ came a respectable second, with all other teams doing well, too and everyone learning a few new trivia facts.

Supper was served during the evening and a raffle was held when everyone was very generous.  President Elect June thanked everyone for their support: teams, Quiz Master Chris, those who had donated raffle prizes, and the Barns. The evening raised £??? which delighted everyone!


Photo:  Chris Wardle;  President Elect SI Cannock & District June Bould with  the winning team Balmer’s Bunch


Winning Quiz team SI CD 2017 (2)  (Large)