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Soroptimist International of Cannock & District have been involved for the past few years with the collection of tents, chairs and other goods left behind at Weston Park following the annual V Festival.

The collection is organised by the local District of Rotary International and takes place on the two days following the V Festival.  This year, as in previous years, so much was left behind by the those who attended the Festival which, if it can be collected, can be used by people at home and overseas.  No matter how many volunteers go along they are never able to collect all of the items left behind.

This year 5 Soroptimists from SI Cannock & District went along to help with the grand ‘clear-up’ at Weston Park following another very successful, but rather muddy, V Festival.  Wearing wellies and other appropriate clothing, members set to work dismantling and re-packing tents, rolling up air beds, collecting chairs, buckets, bowls, sleeping bags and unopened tinned food– and anything else left behind by the revelers which was in good condition and might be of use to others.

The tents were all taken to the International Aid trucks; they will be used in disaster areas around the world.  All other items this group collected will be used by the Pathway Project, the local refuge for women victims of domestic violence and by Staffordshire Women’s Aid – in fact, many of the items collected have already been put to good use by local women who are in need.

The V Festival clear-up is a true example of voluntary organisations working together and giving service to help others.  Everyone who went along thoroughly enjoyed the experience – even though they are always shocked at what others will leave behind -and they know that all of the goods will be put to excellent use by those who need them.

Photos attached: Cannock Soroptimists collecting goods; l to r: Kate Young, Trish Mellor, Carole Holdcroft, President Val Jones, President-Elect June Bould