At the last Business meeting of her year as President of SI Cannock & District, Val Jones was delighted to present a cheque for £515.00 to the Special Needs Adventure Playground – SNAP – in Cannock. Bob Heighway, Chairman of SNAP went along to the meeting to receive the cheque. The money was raised at a coffee morning held at the home of Soroptimist Trish Mellor who thanked everyone for their incredible generosity which enabled them to raise such a fantastic sum. Bob told members he was amazed at the amount they had raised and expressed the gratitude of everyone who uses the wonderful facility on the Pye Green Road. Schools and families travel from all over the area to use SNAP as there is nowhere else locally for these youngsters to go. He explained that they rely on donations such as this one to enable them to continue to operate.
Cannock Soroptimists have supported the facility for a number of years and many members have visited on several occasions. President Val assured Bob that their support of SNAP would continue in the future. Photos attached: l to r: Val Jones, President SI Cannock & District; Bob Heighway, Chairman of SNAP; Soroptimist Trish Mellor