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Centenary Tree Planting


It is the Centenary year of Soroptimist International and one of the projects for clubs worldwide is ‘Plant Trees for a Brilliant Future. President of Cannock Soroptimists Jackie Prince is working with a team of club members to arrange for 100 trees to be planted during the year.  The project follows in the footsteps of our first Soroptimists, who, in 1921, lobbied to save the great Redwoods and established ‘The Redwood Grove’ in California, and is also in line with work Soroptimists do to protect the Planet.

So far, 28 trees have been planted in the Club’s name and all are registered on the tree planting website.  The son of one member has planted 2 Olive & 2 Holm oak trees in his Cannock garden & a friend of his has planted 2 ash & 2 cherry trees.

McArthurGlen Designer Outlet West Midlands, situated in Cannock, has very generously supported the project by planting 20 Oak saplings in the name of SI Cannock & District.  Members of the ‘Tree Team’ were delighted to go along to the Designer Outlet to meet with Craig Zecevic, Facilities Manager, to see the saplings [which are all thriving] and discuss wording for a plaque to be placed alongside the trees.

Littleton Lodge Care Home is also involved with the project and is currently sourcing an appropriate tree whilst another Club member whose sons live in France and Spain are each going to plant 5 trees for us – so the number is growing!

President Jackie said “We are so grateful not only to our club members’ families but also to Littleton Lodge and McArthurGlen Designer Outlet for being part of this super centenary project – we really hope we reach our target of 100 trees”.

The team are looking into other venues where trees could be planted and would be pleased to hear from anyone willing to plant a tree on their behalf.

It’s What You Do That Counts

Photo attached: Trees 1: l to r: Soroptimists June Bould; Adrienne Fitzgerald, Jackie Prince [President SI Cannock & District]; Craig Zecevic, Facilities Manager, McArthurGlen; Soroptimist Lynne Tuckley

Trees 5: l to r: Jackie Prince, President SI Cannock & District; Craig Zecevic, Facilities Manager, McArthurGlen Designer Outlet, West Midlands