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Christmas Celebration

Team President Ronnie Reynolds welcomed Members of SI Cannock & District and their guests to the Christmas Celebration held at the Barns, Cannock. Everyone enjoyed an excellent meal which was followed by entertainment from Brian T Williams: comedy, guitar and one man band! In between his songs he brought laughter – and some groans – with his humour and a skiffle band made up of willing volunteers proved great fun.

During the evening a fabulous Christmas Hamper was raffled.  The Hamper was donated by Barry Picken, Governor of Rotary District 1210.  Earlier this year Barry attended presentations given by SI Cannock on trafficking and child sexual exploitation. He was so impressed by the work of the Soroptimist club that he decided to focus on the issue at his District Conference held in October of this year, raising awareness with Rotarians at over 50 clubs.  As a thank you and to congratulate the club for their work Barry donated the hamper for them to use in any way they wished.

Team President Lakhwinder thanked Barry for his generous gesture the proceeds from which will be donated to the BIG project – Birthing in the Gambia.

 Each year on Human Rights Day, December 10th, the SI President launches her President’s Appeal, inviting Soroptimists worldwide to join efforts to support an initiative she feels is of the utmost importance to women and girls. International President Ann Garvie’s Appeal will raise money for projects that educate women about renewable energy, while empowering and enabling opportunities for them by providing solar lanterns and cookers.  Members of SI Cannock are supporting this project my making donations in lieu of sending Christmas cards to other club members and this year the club has sent £135.00 to the appeal.

The club’s next event will be a Quiz night to be held at the Barns on Tuesday 14th January 2014; teams of 4 are invited, tickets cost £7.50 each and include supper.  For more information or to book your team contact Ann on 01543 571072 or email

 Cannock Soroptimists would like to wish everyone a happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

 Photo: l to r: Team Presidents Ronnie Reynolds and Lakhwinder Thompson with the donated Christmas Hamper