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SI Cannock’s Christmas Plans

One of the local charities supported by Cannock Soroptimists is the Pathway Project which provides aid and support to women victims of domestic violence. Kathy Coe, founder and CEO of Pathway visited the club recently to update members on their work – and to thank them for their continued support. A major focus over coming months will be a closer liaison with police with the aim of preventing sexual exploitation and grooming of young women. She reported that Domestic Violence numbers sadly continue to rise and figures show that two women die in the UK each week as a result of domestic abuse. Pathway works very closely with Women’s Aid which is also supported by Cannock Soroptimists, both organisations providing what is often literally a life line to women who have left a life of abuse.  Some of the women are helped within the community; others are housed in a refuge where they remain – with their children – until they are able to again lead lives of their own. Some of the women and children will be in refuges over Christmas and that is where Soroptimists again led a helping hand.  They provide Christmas gifts for these women and children: toys, books, clothing and toiletries – something they have done for many, many years and if previous years are anything to go by the recipients will be touched that there are people thinking of them at this time.

Soroptimists are marking World Food Day – Sunday 16th October – by collecting items of food to donate to the Cannock Food Bank. All foods donated is either tinned or in packets and they welcome such items as: milk [UHT or powdered; sugar; soup; pasta sauces; tinned vegetables; tea bags; instant coffee; tinned meat or fish; tinned fruit; jam; biscuits or snack bars.

Figures show that 1 in 5 people in the UK live below the poverty line; foodbanks provide essential help to these people and families. Cannock & District foodbank works using a voucher referral system and recipients then receive a pack containing three days worth of nutritionally balanced, non-perishable food. More information is available on their website:

Photos attached: 1: l to r:  Carole Holdcroft, President, SI Cannock & District; with Kathy Coe, Pathway Project  

2: l to r: Soroptimists Trish Mellor; Carole Holdcroft [President] and Kate Young with some of the food items donated to mark World Food Day

Carole and Kathy (3) Trish Carole kate World Food Day