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SI Cannock Welcomes 4th New Member this Year – Dawn Pope

SI Cannock Welcomes 4th New Member this Year – Dawn Pope


Val Jones, President of Soroptimist International of Cannock & District, was delighted Dr Dawn Pope as a member of the club; Dawn is the fourth new member to be inducted in this Soroptimist year.   Dr Dawn Pope is an Environmental Auditor. She has lived locally for 20 years, and is married with a grown-up son. She was previously a member of SI Stafford and thoroughly enjoyed her membership but found juggling that with her career and family difficult.  She now feels she has the time to make a full commitment to the club and to the work of the organisation. She was introduced by Soroptimist Dr Janis Lomas, who will also be her mentor.  Dawn thanked club members for their very friendly welcome to her over the past few weeks.  She said “I have been looking again at the work of Soroptimists: educating, empowering




Soroptimist International of Cannock & District have been involved for the past few years with the collection of tents, chairs and other goods left behind at Weston Park following the annual V Festival. The collection is organised by the local District of Rotary International and takes place on the two days following the V Festival.  This year, as in previous years, so much was left behind by the those who attended the Festival which, if it can be collected, can be used by people at home and overseas.  No matter how many volunteers go along they are never able to collect all of the items left behind. This year 5 Soroptimists from SI Cannock & District went along to help with the grand ‘clear-up’ at Weston Park following another very successful, but rather muddy, V Festival.  Wearing wellies and other appropriate clothing, members set to

Amanda Milling MP – Speaker

Amanda Milling MP – Speaker


Val Jones, President of SI Cannock & District welcomed Amanda Milling MP as the club’s speaker in August.The President’s theme for the year is ‘Women in Power’ and the Cannock Chase MP spoke to the group about women in Politics. Amanda spoke about her life as a female MP – she became the 433rd female MP ever elected and the first female MP for the current Cannock Chase constituency. Over the last 25 years the percentage of female MPs has risen from below 10% to 32%, however if all of the female MPs ever elected were in Parliament together, there would still not be enough to fill the 650 Commons’ seats. Amanda Milling told Soroptimists and their guests that it was a pleasure to speak to them and discuss women in politics.  She told them that she has always been fascinated by politics but had




Soroptimist International of Cannock & District have been involved for the past few years with the collection of tents, chairs and other goods left behind at Weston Park following the annual V Festival. The collection is organised by the local District of Rotary International and takes place on the two days following the V Festival.  This year, as in previous years, so much was left behind by the those who attended the Festival which, if it can be collected, can be used by people at home and overseas.  No matter how many volunteers go along they are never able to collect all of the items left behind. This year 5 Soroptimists from SI Cannock & District went along to help with the grand ‘clear-up’ at Weston Park following another very successful, but rather muddy, V Festival.  Wearing wellies and other appropriate clothing, members set to

Summer Celebration

Summer Celebration


Members of SI Cannock & District and their partners spent a wonderful afternoon at the home of club member Carole Holdcroft enjoying their annual Summer Celebration lunch. Although it wasn’t warm enough to sit outside for lunch those who wished to were able to have a stroll in the garden afterwards. President Val Jones thanked Carole for her generous hospitality in opening up her home and also thanked those members who had provided desserts and cakes. £224.00 was raised for club funds: this is used to purchase items needed for Soroptimists to continue their work to raise awareness of some of the many issues they are involved with, issues such as child sexual exploitation, trafficking and domestic abuse being amongst them. In addition, a raffle was held which raised £100.00 for the Soroptimist Meru Garden Project.  This is a Federation project and is in its

Norton Canes Summer Fayre

Norton Canes Summer Fayre


Members of SI Cannock enjoyed an afternoon at Norton Canes Community Centre Summer Fair on Sunday 30th July, collecting household items for Pathway (victims of domestic violence).  Members were extremely grateful to Hednesford Lions who donated a large amount of items and also people who attended the fayre.  Volunteers at Pathway will make up packs of the household items that have been donated for when the women move to alternative accommodation. During the afternoon members sold gift packs of toiletries and lavender bags, money raised will go to Meru Women’s Garden Project. The projects aim is to educate, enable and empower women in Meru County, Kenya by providing agricultural training and equipment to enable women to feed their families Members were able to talk to other stall holders and fayre-goers about why they love being part of SI Cannock and the work they do for

Sue Arnold – Deputy Crime Commissioner Talk

Sue Arnold – Deputy Crime Commissioner Talk


Sue Arnold, Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire was the speaker at a recent meeting of Cannock Soroptimists. President Val Jones introduced her saying that she was a ‘Woman of Power’ who would talk about ‘Women as Victims’, her theme for the year. Sue has been Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner (DPCC) since 2012; part of her portfolio is ‘Victims’ considering in particular how they are treated and the support mechanisms available to them. When she first looked into this there were 60,000 victims of crime in the County but support was being offered to only 23,000 – the type of crime dictated whether or not support was offered and Sue could see this was unfair. Her work with several agencies meant that the Victim Gateway was launched ensuring support is available to every victim of crime in Staffordshire.  Additional services are available for victims of

Ironman cheque presentation

Ironman cheque presentation


Members of Cannock Soroptimist International were delighted to be able to present a cheque for £250.00 to the Pathway Project which gives help and advice to women victims of domestic violence. The money was ‘earned’ by club members acting as marshals for the Staffordshire Ironman 2016. Six club members joined Rotarians from the district to marshal points along the 56 mile bike ride. Several athletes participating donated some of their sponsorship to charities nominated by the marshals.  This was co-ordinated by Rotary and the charities benefited had to fulfil certain criteria. Cannock Soroptimists were really pleased to be able to provide support and encouragement to the athletes whilst ensuring a charity close to their hearts would benefit. Hayley Cliff, Deputy Director of Pathway, accepted the cheque from Immediate Past President of SI Cannock & District, Carole Holdcroft.   Photo:  l to r: Soroptimist June Bould;

SI Cannock Quiz Night

SI Cannock Quiz Night


Cannock Soroptimists held a very successful Quiz night at the Barns recently.  The quiz was one of the events planned to raise funds for Pathway, the local project providing support and refuge to women victims of domestic violence.  Club President, Val Jones, chose Pathway as one of the local charities for the year. The club continues to provide toiletries, gifts for birthdays and Christmas and household goods for when the women are in a position to be re-housed. The quiz, organised by Soroptimist June Bould, this year attracted 14 teams – from Soroptimists, Rotarians, Hednesford Lions, 41 Club, and many other friends.  Chris Wardle was quiz master – and in case of dispute – his answer was final!!  All of the teams did well and there was a lively and friendly atmosphere; the winning team was ‘Balmer’s Bunch’, they each won a bottle of wine. 

New Members Inducted

New Members Inducted


Cannock Soroptimists were delighted to welcome two new members at their last Business meeting. President Val Jones inducted Jackie Prince and Marion Taylor as members, telling each one that she is now a member of Soroptimist International, a worldwide organisation of members with a common goal in transforming the lives of women and girls. President Val continued by saying that she hoped that in joining us, as we work towards our objectives, Jackie and Marion will find a sense of purpose and achievement, as well as the friendship and support of fellow members. President Val added that she was proud of the success the Club has had in attracting new members particularly when, in today’s society, women have many competing demands and pressures upon them. Marion has spent her working life in pharmacy departments and is now retired.  Jackie has worked for West Midlands Police