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V Festival Clear-up 2015

V Festival Clear-up 2015


For the last few years a collection of tents, chairs, beds, sleeping bags, un-opened food etc has been organised by Rotary International at Weston Park in the two days following the V Festival. This year, as in previous years, Soroptimist International of Cannock & District was involved. Festival attendees leave so much behind which, if it can be collected, can be used by people at home and overseas. No matter how many volunteers go along they are never able to collect all of the items left behind. This year 7 Soroptimists from SI Cannock & District and one Soroptimist’s son went along to help with the grand ‘clear-up’ at Weston Park following another very successful, but muddy, V Festival. Wearing wellies and other appropriate clothing members set to work dismantling and re-packing tents, rolling up air beds, collecting chairs, buckets, bowls, sleeping bags and unopened

Visit by Margaret Lobo – Past International SI President

Visit by Margaret Lobo – Past International SI President


For many years SI Cannock has been linked with SI Perth, Australia and the clubs have been in regular correspondence. In 2007 a member of SI Perth, Margaret Lobo, became the organisation’s International President – Cannock Soroptimists were so pleased when they had the opportunity to see her take office and to enjoy her company when she visited Cannock in 2008. They were even more thrilled to have the chance to deepen that friendship when Margaret visited Cannock again recently. 20 club members joined her for lunch and spent a very happy few hours chatting about so many things: life in Australia compared to life in the UK; Soroptimists role within the UN; our advocacy and action within issues such as FGM and trafficking; the work we have done internationally to provide birthing facilities where none existed – and so much more! During the visit,

Result of Inspirational Woman Award

Result of Inspirational Woman Award


The winner of the competition to find the Midland Chase Inspirational Woman 2015 was announced at the Region AGM held at the Chase Golf Club. 11 Clubs in the Region had each nominated a woman who they felt fulfilled that title and the panel of 5 judges reached their decision following presentations held in June. She is Fiona Ford, nominated by SI Newcastle. Fiona’s own experience with hair loss following chemotherapy inspired her to set up a bespoke service for wig fitting in the Stoke area: she now has a salon called ‘Fresh Hair’ housed in the Royal Hospital, Stoke-on-Trent. Member of SI Newcastle Sandra Mellor introduced Fiona again to Region members, explaining how she had first met her when looking for possible speakers for club meetings. She and all club members realised that Fiona was very special; they were so impressed by her positive

Summer Celebration

Summer Celebration


Members of SI Cannock enjoyed our summer celebration in style with a tour of the National Trust’s Sunnycroft villa, Shropshire, followed by afternoon tea at the Buckatree Hotel, Telford. We discovered the fascinating history of the villa and were delighted to learn that the last private owner of Sunnycroft, Joan Lander, was in fact a member of the Shrewsbury Soroptimist group! Joan’s embroidered gold and blue Shrewsbury Soroptimist table cloth was on display at the villa especially for the Cannock members, who were all delighted to see it and to admire the intricacy of the work. President Lynne, herself an accomplished embroiderer, was particularly pleased to see it. Lynne designed and embroidered cloths for SI Cannock for both their 50th and 60th anniversaries. After the tour, we relaxed at the Buckatree hotel where we enjoyed a sun soaked afternoon tea on the terrace.

Charity Quiz Night

Charity Quiz Night


On the hottest night of the year-(so far) – members and friends of Cannock & District gathered at The Barns to exercise what Hercule Poirot called their little grey cells. Teams of four grappled with a wide set of subjects, and they were refreshed at the interval with lasagne. The quiz master was Chris Wardle, pictured here with President Lynne Tuckley. This event is one of many that SI will organise in the coming year, with the object of bringing help and support to women and girls in our local and wider areas. Our quiz raised £322. We shall also enjoy many social activities, with the chance to make new friends. Like to find out more? Contact

Inspirational Women

Inspirational Women


Region President of SI Midland Chase Carol Bailey initiated a competition to find the Region’s most Inspirational Woman. Clubs in the Region were asked to nominate a woman who they felt fulfilled that title and at the quarterly meeting in June, 11 clubs gave their presentations to the Region meeting and to a panel of 5 judges. The presentations showed what a wealth of wonderful, inspirational women we have working in the area of Midland Chase. A number of Nominations were for women working within the area of sexual and domestic violence: Lisa Freeman of SARAC (sexual abuse and rape advice centre); Dickie James, CEO of Staffordshire Women’s Aid; Kathy Coe who began and runs the Pathway Project and Carole Richardson, programme coordinator of a Salvation Army refuge for women. Detective Michelle Lane was nominated for her work for Hope for Justice and the work

AGM 14th April 2015

AGM 14th April 2015


SI Cannock & District held its AGM at The Barns on 14th April. The meeting marked the end of the club’s Diamond Anniversary year: the first meeting of interested women was held in July 1954 at the Gas Showrooms in Cannock and the Club was chartered at a formal event held at Eaton Lodge Hotel in Rugeley in February 1955. Dr Janis Lomas was the club’s President for this very special anniversary year and she reported on the successes and achievements of the year, thanking club members for their support. The year had seen some very special events: a visit from Mary, Queen of Scots [Lesley Smith, curator of Tutbury castle], two wonderful visits to Tutbury Castle; an afternoon tea and fashion cavalcade at Ingestre Hall; International Night with a speaker from Bletchley Park followed by a visit to Bletchley; Christmas celebrations at Trentham Gardens

Long Service Certificates

Long Service Certificates


Janis Lomas had a very enjoyable last task as President of SI Cannock & District at the end of their Diamond Anniversary year when she recognised the service given to the club by three of its members. Jill Gooch was presented with a certificate for 30 years of service to and membership of Soroptimist International, or SI as it is known. Jill was President of the club 1993 – 94 and again in 2003 – 04 and this year has been joint secretary and events organiser of the club. Georgina Ward and Dora Leighton were each presented with certificates marking Honorary membership – Georgina was made an Honorary member of the Club in this very special year, Dora has held Honorary membership for 9 years. They have both been President of the Club, have held many other offices and continue to support the Club’s aims

99th Birthday – Dora Leighton

99th Birthday – Dora Leighton


Dora Leighton is known to so many people in Cannock – as a dance teacher she taught many of them to dance. On April 3rd, Dora celebrated her 99th birthday. She has been a member of Soroptimist International [SI] of Cannock & District for 46 years, has served on many Committees and has held the office of President. She is still a keen member, attends most events, has an incredibly positive outlook on life and is ready with her point of view when required! President Janis Lomas and club members were keen to mark this special occasion: they did it by a surprise visit from many of them at Dora’s hairdressers!! Christine Smith-Toon, herself a member of SI Cannock and owner of Teddy’s hair salon in Cannock, has dressed Dora’s hair for many, many years and welcomed club members when they arrived with cake and

Presentation to local Women’s Refuges

Presentation to local Women’s Refuges


The last speaker meeting of their SI Cannock & District’s Diamond Anniversary year was held on St Patrick’s Day and members wore something green in recognition of that. At the meeting they celebrated the work they have done during the year to support Staffordshire Women’s Aid and the Pathway Project by inviting representatives of each organisation to update members and guests on the work they are doing and to present cheques from the monies raised during the year. Dickie James, CEO of Staffordshire Women’s Aid said that they work closely with Pathway, particularly in providing services for women and children in the Cannock area who need their support and that she was very aware of the synergy between themselves and Soroptimists – they, too, work as a sisterhood to empower women, to educate them and to enable them to achieve in this world. As a