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Christmas Activities

Christmas Activities


Cannock Soroptimists are usually very busy during December – as are so many others – doing things to help others.  Some of the things they normally do – like cooking a Christmas lunch for those who otherwise wouldn’t have one – have not been possible this year.  But, true to their strap line “Women inspiring action, transforming lives” they have continued to support women and families both locally and globally. Members have donated gifts for the women who will spend Christmas in a refuge this year, at those run by Pathway and Staffordshire Women’s Aid.  All of the women will have gifts to open, letting them know that others care for them and about them. Members and friends have donated clothes and toys to the Dawn Allport Movement – a wonderful group who ensure that local families in need get some of the things they

SI Cannock’s Collection for local families in need

SI Cannock’s Collection for local families in need


Meetings by zoom are becoming ‘the norm’ for Cannock Soroptimists!  And being joined by Soroptimists from their Friendship Link Clubs in Melbourne Australia and Harrisburg USA as well as friends and guests in the UK is also becoming the norm – and it’s wonderful! 28 Soroptimists and guests joined zoom this week to listen to speakers Alan Hudson and Sheree, founders of the Dawn Allport Family and Community Movement.  Dawn was Sheree’s Mom and Alan’s partner, she sadly passed away in February of this year.  Family was the most important thing to Dawn – as well as her own children and grandchildren, she and Alan fostered for Staffordshire County Council for the last 20 years – and Alan still fosters.  In fact, he has recently been presented with a National Award for his excellent work as a foster parent and the work he does to




Cannock Soroptimists are again marking World Food Day [12 th October] by giving extra support to Cannock Food Bank, part of the Trussell Trust. Members support them throughout the year – they did so throughout lockdown earlier this year by donating cleaning and toiletry items as well as children’s clothing. They have again collected from members, neighbours and friends, this time for tinned and dried foods – utilising ‘the box’ at the end of driveways of some members and the response has been fantastic! One of the Food Bank organisers told Soroptimists that the demand for their food boxes – enough to feed a family for 3 days – has risen by 55% in the last few weeks alone! This is a tremendous rise and obviously means additional resources are needed. They are expecting the demand to rise even more when furlough ends at the

Coffee Morning

Coffee Morning


Whilst the weather was still in their favour Cannock Soroptimists managed to meet outdoors on a few occasions for coffee, socially distanced and in appropriately sized groups! They all loved it – there’s nothing like coffee, cake and a good chat! Being Soroptimists, they took full advantage of the occasions and all made donations to their current book project – they have an arrangement with a local charity to save children’s books from being pulped and deliver them to Books4Home, another charity which then distributes them to children who otherwise would not have a book of their own: definitely a win-win! This week, President Trish Smith collected, counted and delivered the books – helped by her dog, Toby who showed a keen interest! So far, 581 books have been delivered to Beverley Ricketts, who runs the RotaryBooks4Home project. At one of the coffee mornings, President

SI Cannock author of Widows, Poverty, Power and Politics

SI Cannock author of Widows, Poverty, Power and Politics


Cannock Soroptimist and member of WI Dr Janis Lomas has just published her fourth book since 2014! Historian Janis writes with fellow historian Professor Maggie Andrews, they specialise in Women’s History. This book is titled “Widows – Poverty, Power and Politics”; it tells the stories of many fascinating women, some famous, others unknown and demonstrates the way in which they faced life after being widowed. Women were once the property of men and owners of nothing. Being widowed gave many women the freedom to conduct themselves however they wished and for some, it was the making of them! What is common to them all is that their struggles have contributed to improving the lives of women today. The book is available on line and in many bookstores. All members of Cannock Soroptimists and Cannock WI are extremely proud of Janis! Photo attached: 1. Dr Janis

International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day


Cannock Soroptimists are excited to be able to support Rotary Books4Home, a charity they’ve had involvement with for some time – and this is a perfect way to mark International Literacy Day 2020.  Rotary Books4Home is organised and managed locally by Beverley Ricketts, honorary member of the Rotary Club of Cannock.  She was inspired by an article she read a few years ago: the article explained that Rotarians had discovered that the children in the school they were working in had very little access to books at home. In response to this the Rotary Club donated pre-read books to the school. The children were able to choose a book, take it home and keep it forever. With a little further research Beverley discovered that it is not uncommon for children to have limited access to books at home. This year, more than ever, because of

Who is She? It’s Trish Mellor of SI Cannock

Who is She? It’s Trish Mellor of SI Cannock


#Whoisshe?As part of the celebration of the first centenary of Soroptimist International in 2021, local member Trish Mellor of SI Cannock has been selected as one of more than 100 Soroptimists to be commemorated as part of the #Whoisshe? Campaign. A pen portrait and photograph of Trish will appear on the Soroptimist Centenary website from the start of this month here: Trish joined SI Cannock April 1998 and is the lifeblood of our club.  She has undertaken a range of executive roles in the club including President and Vice President and has also undertaken national and regional responsibilities.  For many years she has been Programme Action Lead and Press Officer.  She brings the club together and is instrumental in encouraging and supporting new members to get involved in whatever way they can.SI Cannock is so lucky to have Trish Mellor as a member, without her

International AGM

International AGM


Cannock Soroptimists Jackie Prince and Trish Mellor attended the International AGM recently – from the comfort of their own homes!  This was all thanks to Zoom. Under ‘normal’ conditions, it’s unlikely that a member of the Cannock Club would have attended the SI AGM, but, because of the restrictions caused by Covid-19, they were able to join 219 Soroptimists from all parts of the world at an AGM chaired by their International President Sharon Fisher, from Vancouver, Canada. Using the ‘chat’ facility on zoom they were able to give and receive messages to everyone there as well as say ‘hello’ to individuals they knew of, had met or knew well but don’t often get the chance to see. The screen share facility was used to great effect, allowing everyone to watch some superb presentations about the work of Soroptimists in the 5 Federations around the

Litter picks and Veggie Meals

Litter picks and Veggie Meals


Acting upon issues raised in their recent meetings about care of our planet, Cannock Soroptimists – and friends – are taking some actions to help. Most members are now enjoying at least one meat and fish free day every week and sharing their favourite recipes.  Eating less meat can mean a lower risk of many health problems for individuals whilst meat production can be harmful to our planet. Members decided it would be good to join, or do their own, litter picks. Soroptimists June Bould and Val Jones joined a litter pick in Heath Hayes and were quite shocked at the amount of litter dropped by people.  June will soon be organising further litter picks, hopefully on a monthly basis – others will be welcome to join in. A huge talking point was the amount of packaging goods are supplied in, food particularly; so much




Cannock Soroptimists joined their friendship link club in Melbourne, Australia this week – by zoom!! Holding meetings using Zoom has provided some real bonuses – not least people from all over the world being able to get together. SI Cannock and SI Melbourne usually keep in touch with each other by email, sending messages and sharing newsletters, but his week they all attended the same meeting: it was 9.30am here in the UK and 6.30pm in Australia – and how marvellous it was to put faces to some of the names! 9 Cannock members joined the meeting and listened to their speaker, Josephine Beer, who works in the department of Health and Human Services in the state of Victoria. Josephine, also a Soroptimist, described how, at the start of the worldwide pandemic, she had been given the task to lead the work of handling the