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Wine Tasting, Soroptimist-Style

Yes, you can have a ‘virtual’ wine tasting! Thanks to meticulous planning and organisation Crosby’s Soroptimists had a great evening.

Twenty screens showed members, friends and family poised with stemmed glasses and six mini-bottles of wine at the ready. ‘Sommelier’ Dave guided everyone through the tastings – and feedback was lively.

Warm-up bingo used a no-arguments random-number machine. There was a free raffle – and even a game of heads‘n’tails Covid-style, using masks.

Quizzes? Of course. No quiz prizes – all just for fun – but Soroptimists like a competitive edge. Having everyone muted while the answers were given out was very odd, though – no heckling!

On-screen sartorial highlights included Christmas tree/turkey hats, twinkling neckwear and sequinned jumpers. Seasonal socks were a hidden delight.

President Chris Chua-Short (in festive red and white) thanked our Soroptimister sommelier and all the other behind-the-scenes organisers.

“Everyone entered into the spirit of the evening,” she said. “This was billed as a chance to relax, get together and have fun: we did just that. The bonus was over £300 raised for our club’s service fund.”