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Breast Screen? Best Screen!

Crosby’s Soroptimists were privileged to hear about current developments in breast screening from a local specialist in the field.
Anu Shrotri with (l) Caroline Vitty and (r) President Sharon

Ms Anu Shrotri is Director of Breast Screening and Consultant Breast Oncoplastic Surgeon at Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Passionate about ‘spreading the word’ on screening for breast cancer, Ms Shrotri outlined the current situation.

Survival of breast cancer in the UK has doubled in the last 50 years thanks our NHS screening programme. Regular breast screening is the prime method of spotting a cancer that is too small to feel or see. It saves an estimated 1,300 lives each year in the UK.

There is, however, a significantly lower uptake among ethnic minority groups and women in areas of social deprivation. Why? There are factors such as embarrassment, modesty, fear – or simply a lack of understanding about the relevance of screening.

Distance from the screening site is key, as pressures of time, money or family commitments can deter women from attending. Two years ago, in partnership with local community and faith groups, a mobile unit was set up at Liverpool Women’s Hospital. The resulting take-up was encouraging at this local facility.

Breast screening is offered automatically to women aged 50-70. After their 71st birthday women can contact their breast screen unit to make an appointment every 3 years. The risk of getting breast cancer increases with age – but funding limits the range of the national programme.

Ms Shrotri also spoke about women’s options for reducing their chances of developing the condition. Some risk factors (e.g. age and genetics) are out of our hands. However, avoiding being overweight post-menopause, keeping alcohol intake down, and other lifestyle changes can – in some cases – reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Soroptimist Caroline Vitty, who has known Ms Shrotri for a number of years, was delighted to thank her friend on behalf of all club members present.