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Bee Friendly for Bees

SI Crosby’s members aim to spread the word about the vital role that bees play as pollinators.

According to the United Nations:

  • Worldwide, 3 out of 4 crops producing fruits or seeds for human food use depend, at least in part, on pollinators.
  • Most pollinators are wild, so safeguarding bees safeguards biodiversity,
  • Higher numbers of pollinators and greater diversity boosts crop yields

We are teaming up with some local schools, community groups and businesses to get everyone planting bee-friendly flowers. Here’s why this collaboration is a sweet idea:

  1. Bee Happy, Bee Together: By working with schools and community groups, we can create a buzz of excitement about bees and raise the awareness of the vital role they play in our ecosystem. It’s a fun way to bring people together and learn something new!
  2. Flower Power for the Future: Engaging with young minds and local heroes in our community means planting seeds (literally!) for a greener, more sustainable future. Plus, who doesn’t love the sight of a beautiful, blooming garden?
  3. Buzz-Worthy Education: This is a perfect opportunity to educate kids and adults alike about the importance of bees. It’s not just about the flowers; it’s about understanding how bees help our food grow and keep nature balanced.
  4. Sweet Rewards: Besides the satisfaction of helping the environment, there could be some tasty rewards – honey, anyone? Eshe Honey, for example, is one of our business contacts. They produce raw honey from pollen and nectar foraged locally.
  5. Community Spirit in Full Bloom. We hope this work will strengthen the bond between our club and local organisations. Together, we’ll create a vibrant, pollinator-friendly environment that will make everyone buzz with pride!