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SI Crosby members are trying to recycle, re-use – and even raise money.

Members and friends are collecting unwanted/broken jewellery, watches, ‘small electricals’ (phones, cameras, MP3 players, laptops, shavers, etc). Also collected are currencies and coins (even outdated) and stamps.

Many of the goods go to Recycling for Good Causes. In return, the club receives a cheque. We sell some items via other online sites, too.

We donate these funds to the Diamond Education Grant (DEG). This is a charity run by Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI). The DEG provides grants to assist women to update their skills after employment breaks, or to acquire new skills that improve their opportunities in work.

So this simple scheme supports women’s education and employment while, at the same time, helping the environment.

Crosby Soroptimists’ now also take empty medicine blister packets to a local participating Superdrug pharmacy for recycling.

Once collected from the pharmacy, the packets are separated by polymer type. They are cleaned (if necessary). The material is then extruded into plastic pellets to make new recycled products.

The disposal of soft and flexible plastics is a further recycling project. Members take these items that can’t be recycled at home to collecting bins in supermarkets.