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Frances takes on role as president

Frances takes on role as president


At our AGM on April 4th 2019 we were very pleased to welcome Frances Rothwell as our new president.Frances made the following statement: As president I have put together a programme of events for the coming year. My theme is ‘Women’s Lives’ and I hope that this will be stimulating and informative and I am pleased to have a good selection of speakers from various fields. I have also tried to incorporate regular opportunities for social events as I think that this is an important part of any club and helps to reinforce friendships and retain members. Rather than having large fundraisers I have opted for smaller events but again regularly throughout the year so that members can have the opportunity of enjoying at least some of them. I also hope that events can be used to raise our profile within the community and possibly

Derby’s Mayor supports Toilet Twinning

Derby’s Mayor supports Toilet Twinning


Nine members of SI Derby visited the Mayor and Lady Mayoress at the Mayor’s Parlour to invite them to support our efforts to make Derby a Toilet Twinned City. We were very pleased that they agreed to our request. We are working with https// to achieve our aim. If you would like your business, school or other organisation to be part of making Derby a Toilet Twinned City, at a cost of £60, please contact us.

Eight SI Derby members attend the annual Conference

Eight SI Derby members attend the annual Conference


The Federation Conference was held in Liverpool this year and 8 SI Derby members attended. The Conference runs from Thursday evening to Saturday evening. There were 1200 members from around the world in Liverpool, who heard inspiring and informative speakers, including Terry Waite, Professor Helen Pankhurst and Sir Ranulph Fiennes. Other speakers without headline names updated us on access and inclusion for those with disabilities and the fight against FGM, whilst others inspired us by describing their adventures and achievements. We also learnt about club projects, all aimed at improving life for women and girls and were introduced to the 5P’s, People, Prosperity, Prevention, Partnership and Planet, which cover the Sustainable Development Goals. Here are some of our members enjoying an evening together.  

Celia’s coffee morning for Meru

Celia’s coffee morning for Meru


Celia’s coffee morning was held January 27th at her house in Derby. We raised £170 for the Meru Women’s Garden Project, through donations for coffee and cake and an exchange of scarves at £2 per time. Several friends and neighbours joined us at the event. We have now exceeded the £1200 target for Meru that we set ourselves as a club,

SI Derby celebrates its 80th Charter anniversary

SI Derby celebrates its 80th Charter anniversary


On October 6th 2017 79 members and guests were at the Hallmark Hotel in Derby to celebrate 80 years of Soroptimism in Derby. The dinner was attended by our Federation president, Ann Hodgson, the Mayor of Derby Cllr John Whitby and his wife, Juliette, members from several other clubs from around the country and from our friendship link in Belgium, and our guests. The speaker was Sir Richard Fitzherbert from Tissington.

SI Derby raises £1246 for Meru Women’s Garden Project

SI Derby raises £1246 for Meru Women’s Garden Project


A NEW PROJECT FOR SOROPTIMISTS Every three years Soroptimists in our Federation, which includes 28 countries throughout the world, choose a project that we will all support through fundraising. Our latest project is to help women and girls in Kenya. The project was proposed by SI Meru, in Kenya. It is known as the Meru Women’s Garden Project. SI Derby set a target for our club to raise £1200 over the three years. Since March 2016 we have raised £1246 for Meru. Our latest fundraiser was a coffee morning and scarf swap which raised £170. We have now exceeded our club target for this project. Find out more about Meru Women’s Garden Project (MWGP).