Modern Slavery and Cuckooing Basic Awareness training
Nine members from three Yorkshire Clubs attended the training, i.e Dewsbury & District, Garforth Elmet and Wakefield & District.
Orange café
Our March Orange Cafe was held at the Tamp and Steam and we even got a bit of work done!!
Past presidents’ dinner – March 21st
Sixteen of the nineteen Past Presidents of Soroptimist International of Dewsbury and District enjoyed a celebratory meal Healds Hall. A glass was raised to absent friends. #womenagainstviolence #VAWGSoroptimist-Yorkshire
Happy Easter
Supermarket trolley dash for items for three exit packs for three families who will be leaving the local Women’s Refuge and moving to homes of their own. Plus Easter gifts collected in partnership with Angel’s Cafe @ Thornhill Parish Church.

January Events
Our January speaker was Jill Wilkinson from Support Dogs and her faithful companion, Derek. Derek stole the show!! Support Dogs (registered charity number 1088281) is a national charity dedicated to saving and improving the lives of children and adults with various challenging medical conditions. They provide training and support for specialist assistance dogs in epilepsy seizure alert, autism, and disability assistance. For more information see
Members of Soroptimist International of Dewsbury and District joined over 20 volunteers to plant trees at #bullcliffewood. Wakefield Council is part of the White Rose Forest partnership that is creating woodland across West and North Yorkshire. It is part of a larger programme of works, the new Northern Forest of 50 million trees, stretching across Merseyside, Manchester and Yorkshire. For more information see #SDG15LifeOnLand Soroptimist-Yorkshire
The Orange Café was held at Brighton St Community Centre with the ladies from Ravenshall.
Autumn Activities
Christmas festivities started with a Christmas Lunch at The Seed Rooms followed on December 3rd by the annual Carol Service at St Paul’s Hanging Heaton attended by SIY President Susie, IPP Jane, Cllr Cahil Burke, Mayor of Kirklees, members & friends. An evening meal was enjoyed at Ego rounded off by the Christmas meeting where drinks and mince pies were followed by a quiz and games. A Christmas Tree was decorated in Orange for the Festival at Trinity Church, Ossett.
Members had an orange themed market stall on Ossett Market to raise awareness of the 16 Days of Activism.
A challenge was set by the three presidents earlier in the year to work in groups and raise money for Wateraid and the local Refuge. Events of a Posh Picnic, Flushing party, Italian Meal, Coffee Morning and a sponsored swim raised over £1400.
Members of Dewsbury & District Soroptimists, on a very very wet Sunday afternoon, took part in the Mirfield Remembrance Parade and laid a wreath on behalf of Soroptimist International of Dewsbury & District.
The October speaker was Judith Powell from Teams4U Shoebox Appeal who spoke about the work of the organisation in distributing Christmas Shoeboxes overseas. She was then presented with boxes members had filled for children of various ages.
The October Orange Café was at la Dolce Vita, Thornhill
The speaker in September was Andrew Jackson from the Zimbabwean Eduactional Trust, he gave a very interesting talk about the work of the trust helping girls.
At the SI Yorkshire Programme Action Awards, SI Dewsbury and District received an award for their recycling and partnerships. Anything and everything is recycled.
At the September RCM Lindsay Green presented the award in recognition of their ongoing recycling work for Programme Action.

Teddy tombola
A Teddy Tombola at Thornhill Dog Show on September 2nd raised £150 for Ravenshall School to round off a busy summer
Ladies day at York Races – August 24th
Members of Dewsbury Soroptimists and friends had their annual pilgrimage to the races. A great day with fun, Friendship, bubbles and delicious food. We even had a few winners.
Zarach fundraiser
On August 6th Dewsbury Soroptimists and St John’s Masonic Lodge held a joint fund raiser for Zarach. “Every head a bed”. £500 was raised whilst having food, drink, a raffle and games.
SIGBI Convention – July 26-29th
Seven Dewsbury members joined the Yorkshire exodus to Dublin for the SIGBI Convention.
They met up with their longstanding friendship link SI Whittier from the USA especially their contact Elizabeth Camp (in blue) – pictured with members.
Eileen & Kathleen organised a meal for the Dewsbury members & Jean from SI Halifax with the Americans
Orange Cafés
The 25th July was at Seeds Cafe and the 25th August at Mirfield Garden Centre.
SIGBI Day of Action – July 15th
SIGBI Day of Action on July 17th saw members and friends doing a litter pick at Dewsbury Country Park, followed by lunch at Mirfield Garden Centre.
Members attended Ossett Gala on July 8th with a Bag & Scarf Sale raising £130 for Charity funds
Orange Café – May 25th
Our first Orange Cafe held at Tesco in Batley: The #UNiTE campaign has proclaimed the 25th of each month as #orangeday.
Soroptimist International of Dewsbury & District held their first #orangecafe at Tesco Extra, to raise awareness and take action to #EndViolenceAgainstWomen. Watch out for an #orangecafe near you.
Party fit for a King
Members and guests enjoyed a sumptuous Coronation Party Lunch at St Paul’s Church Hall on Bank Holiday Monday May 8th. It was rounded off with entertainment of Heads & Tails with Jane W and a Royal themed quiz.
Embracing Equity
Dewsbury and Wakefield celebrated International Women’s Day at a quiz and Afternoon Tea held by SI Garforth raising over £900 for Zarach , tree planting in Gawthorpe and attending a lunch held by Ossett Rotary on March 5th. The Mirfield ‘Girls’ joined in too while collecting for Ukraine at their meet up.

January events

Autumn Events
A Coffee morning on October 20th raised 271.25 for the Presidents’ charity of the local refuge. The next event in November of a Christmas Food & Wine tasting raised another 207.00 for the charity.
A group of members accompanied the Presidents to the Remembrance Sunday event in Mirfield on November 13th.
Elaine and Jane from Wakefield Samaritans were the November speakers. They gave a brief history of the organisation and the formation of the Wakefield group and explained about the various types of help they give and outreach work in local prisons.
On November 29th 13 members enjoyed a Christmas Lunch at the Seed Room at Overton
The Friendship Café attended Mirfield Library on the first Friday of each month.
The annual Carol Service on December 4th was held at St Paul’s Hanging Heaton led by member Reverend Kate Currie, attended by members, friends and SI Yorkshire President Jane. The collection was to support the SI International President’s Charity, ‘Opening doors for a bright future’ and St Paul’s Church.
The December business meeting was a short session followed by a celebratory cake and drinks for member Carole’s big birthday.
On Monday 19th December members met for an evening Christmas Meal at Ego at Horbury.
September Activities
The month ended and started with Zarach on the 22nd September as two speakers gave a presentation about the work of Zarach – ‘Zarach Eat Sleep Learn’. Presidents Debbie and Linda presented June (and Roy) with a rose tree and flowers for their recent Diamond Wedding. After the meeting everyone shared the Diamond wedding cake and drinks in the conservatory.
Members enjoyed an outing to the National Arboretum on September 15th. Some explored with a ride on the train around the site followed by lunch.
A good time was had by all. Presidents Debbie and Linda pictured with the Women’s Land Army and Lumber Jill’s sculpture.
Ladies Day at York Races – August 18th
The annual visit to York Races was the usual successful day, excellent food, good company and no fortunes made or lost!