AGM – March 26th
Past Presidents’ Dinner – March 29th
This event was started 30 years ago by Barbara Sykes. 19 past presidents enjoyed a lovely evening at Heald’s Hall. The meal was delicious and the company excellent. Many thanks to IPP Hazel for organizing a wonderful evening. Next year’s evening is already booked.
Dementia Awareness – March 23rd
Speaker Meeting – March 22nd

Curry Club – March 21st
On the Wednesday we went to the Spice of Bengal in Mirfield, this was the first time we had been, the food and the service were excellent. We were joined once again by Dorothy, who is fast becoming a connoisseur, and Susie from Wakefield Soroptimists.
Fun and Games
The second was the games evening at Marilyn’s. We had a lot of fun and thanks to Linda and Marilyn for providing delicious soup and sandwiches. Along with a recent Coffee Morning at Jackie’s this event helped to boost the funds acvailable for the club’s PAC projects.
Speaker Meeting – February 22nd
Curry Club – February 7th
And yet another noisy and spicy Dewsbury Soroptimists Curry Club. The venue was Al Nawab in Mirfield and we were once again joined by members of Wakefield Soroptimists.
Speaker Meeting – January 25th 2018
Party time! Christmas festivities
Dewsbury Soroptimists enjoying their Christmas party at Healds Hall on December 4th.
On the 6th members enjoyed a very festive curry club at the Kashmiri Aroma in Wakefield. They were joined by five members of SI Wakefield and Dorothy, who loves curry, they made quite an entrance, everyone obeyed the directive and dressed in something Christmassy.
November News
President Julie enrolled two new members in recent meetings, Debbie and Julie. Each was introduced by their sponsor – Eileen H for Debbie and Jackie for Julie. Both new members gave a brief introductory speech about themselves.
Pictured L-R: Debbie, President Julie, Julie M and Jackie
President Julie, Michael, Maureen, Glenn & Carol & Susan (Glenn’s sister), Sue W and Pat T attended the annual Remembrance Sunday in Mirfield on Sunday 12th November at 2.00. Hundreds of people marched from Station Road to a wreath-laying ceremony at the war memorial in Ings Grove Park.
On Thursday 16th a group of members and friends went to The Grand Theare, Leeds to see Fat Friends and then onto Gino’s for a fabulous meal (pictured below). As usual, the good company made all the difference, thank you to Eileen H for arranging it.
At the speaker meeting groups gave a presentation about the decades when they became members. A very enjoyable evening concluded with drinks and nibbles.
Open Evening – November 1st
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Dewsbury golf club was the venue on Wednesday evening for an event organised by S.I.D & D. to raise awareness of who we are and what we do. President Julie welcomed the Mayor of Kirklees, Christine Iredale; our speaker for the evening Barbara Dixon, Programme director of S.I Great Britain and Ireland, and other guests, before giving a brief insight into the kind of work which we do.
A Reet Grand Neet Art – October 14th
Speaker Meeting – September 28th
Nick Yates talked to members about ‘The 1864 Garden Centre’ – Kershaw’s Brighouse’ and the work involved by the plant hunters of many years ago.
He said how the firm had passed into the Yates family, and earlier years of propogating plants for sale including monkey puzzle trees as a speciality.
Nick brought some mixed packs of bulbs for any interested members to purchase.
Macmillan Coffee Morning – September 29th
Another succesful morning of the annual collaberation between the residents of Tentercroft Court and SI Dewsbury. The usual stalls of cakes, bric a brac, raffle, name the dog and extensive tombola raised a magnificent total of 617.50 for Macmillan. President Julie is joined by perennial visitor Roger Ram, Paula Sheriff MP and Stacey Rhodes from Macmillan with friends.
75th Anniversary Walk – September 23rd
A day of mixed weather saw over 20 members, friends and dog complete 100 laps of Dewsbury District Hospital. Each lap was 0.75 mile so a target total of 75 miles for 75 was achieved. President Julie’s chosen charity the Yorkshire Air Ambulance supplied a gazebo and a range of souvenir items. A collection bucket revealed 177.39 at the end of the day for the charity.
Business meeting – September 14th
The first meeting after the summer recess included Long Service Awards presented to four members and concluded with drinks and cake to celebrate Freda’s recent 90th birthday. Julie presented Freda with a bouquet of flowers in SI colours of blue and yellow.
Freda thanked everyone for their good wishes and had received over 90 birthday cards.
Long Service awards were presented by President Julie to Hilda and Eileen H for 40 years, Sue G for 35 years and Audrey for 30 years service.
York Races on Ladies Day – August 24th
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An excellent day at the races for many members and friends. Fortunes were neither made nor lost but a great day was ejoyed by all.
Speaker Meeting – July 27th
Members heard a presentation given by Nurse Julie Pagan of Rosewood Palliative care team, at Dewsbury hospital. To those of us not fully aware of the work entailed in Palliative care this was a wonderful insight into the whole meaning of the word. It involves the treatment of people with, a usually, terminal ill patient but not always cancer, there are other illnesses treated there.
The amount of care available is amazing as the requirements are judged on many aspects of the patient’s needs be it medical, psychological or physical.
A very informative evening to end our programme until we all meet again in September.
SID’s 75th Celebrations
Last weekend we celebrated our 75th in style, together with Soroptimists from Kiel in Germany and friends from America and the UK. The first episode was a wonderful meal at Heath Cottage on Friday, followed by afternoon tea at the Mining Museum on Saturday afternoon.
Hilda Wood (1st left), president from the club’s 40th Anniversary and President Julie (3rd from right) with guests from frienship club SI Kiel, Germany and (former) SI Staunton, Virginia in America with memorabilia, gifts and the Club charter from 1942.
The highlight of the weekend was our Charter Lunch on board the North Yorkshire Moors Railway from Grosmont to Pickering. Members and officials from a number of UK Soroptimist clubs also joined us including SIGBI President Ann Hodgson and SI Yorkshire President Jennie Levick. The finale of the celebration weekend was a talk by Margaret Watson at Dewsbury Minster on Monday morning, about the Dewsbury Tapestry.
After all the excitement we will settle back down to doing what we do best, having fun, enjoying friendship, eating and drinking, and, along the way raising the issues of women in our community, nationwide and worldwide.
Curry club – July 12th
Ossett Gala – July 8th
Afternoon Tea at Skipton – June 26th
Speaker meeting – June 22nd
Grant of Friendship Visit
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The Great Get Together – June 17th
Raising awareness of Soroptimists and the Meru Women’s garden Project at Hanging Heaton last Saturday.S I Dewsbury and District were asked to have a stall at Hanging Heaton’s Great Get Together organised by the Jo Cox Foundation. The Meru Women’s Garden Project was brought to life with a very colourful display of banners, flowers, fruit and animals
Julie Flies Solo – June 13th
President Julie accompanied by Michael visited the base at Nostell of the Yorkshire Air ambulance, her chosen charity for this year.
Repeat Performance – June 7th
Curry Club, members of SI Wakefield joined us for a return visit to the Cinnamon Lounge, Horbury Bridge. As always, we ate a lot, talked a lot, but, above all – we laughed a lot.
Anyone for Croquet? June 6th
Garden Party – June 4th
There was the usual plant sale, raffle and a bottle tombola which kept people busy until it was time for the food where once again the members excelled themselves in the vast variety of mouthwatering dishes on offer, not to mention the desserts which were irrestible judging by the empty serving dishes!!!
Everyone agreed that, once again the event had been a huge success, and we are happy that all the proceeds will go to Yorkshire Air Ambulance, our chosen charity for this year.
Visit to Horticare – June 1st
Lindhill ‘Horticare’ centre is a charitable organisation, open 6 days a week, and provides a real working environment for people with learning disabilities.

After exploring the grounds, which were a credit to all who work there, immaculately kept and with an abundance of plants and flowers, we were all ready to sit down and enjoy afternoon tea of beautiful scones, cakes and a very welcome cup of tea.
Our thanks go out to the staff there who welcomed us and treated us so very generously.
Speaker Meeting – May 25th

Gawthorpe May Day Float – May 6th
Saturday May 6th 2017. The first event for Soroptimist International of Dewsbury and District in our new Presidential year.
Although the weather was not exactly what we had hoped for, our ladies were full of enthusiasm and expectation that this year we would do better than last year and bag the first prize. Our theme was The Meru Women’s Garden Project in Kenya, a collaboration between, Soroptimist International Great Britain & Ireland and the Women of Meru. For the past number of weeks members have been sewing, stapling, sticking and preparing for this event. The result of all this work was a colourful, exotic, and vibrant display of everything that the ladies who tend the Meru garden do.
Come 1.00 clock on this day many members of our club set off to join the procession, each one looking every bit as exotic as the garden depicted on our float.
The hour of judgement and yes! S.I.D and D had done it.
First prize for our float and first prize for fancy dress.
Congratulations to our team, very well deserved!!
What shall we do next year?
If you think you would like to find out, why not come and join us?
AGM – April 28th
The AGM was held at Dewsbury District Golf Club, President Julie introduced representatives from the President’s charities who in turn explained about their work and how the monies would be used.
Photo: Kathryn Jolly and Jo Bissell, Nurse Specialists – Diabetic Services and Dr R Kent, Consultant Neuroglial Rehabilitation from Dewsbury & District Hospital, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust receiving cheques from President Julie (2nd left) and IPP Hazel (far right).
Following the club business and election of Officers Julie outlined her programme for the rest of her term of office. Julie brought the meeting to a close and members then socialised and enjoyed a wonderful hot supper and tucked in to the Presidential cakes.
April Curry Night
Speaker Meeting – March 23rd

Nature’s Footprints Forest Play and Education CIC is an independent outdoor learning and Forest School provision in Huddersfield which caters for local children and young people. Many of these children and young people come from areas of deprivation or may need additional or more holistic support to enable them to access mainstream education. They also tend to blossom when shown a different approach to learning and when placed in a nurturing environment that encourages them to be equal partners in building a learning community. The children are introduced to a different kinds of experiences that include; those that teach them outdoor pursuits, those that develop skills for learning and life and those that foster a growing appreciation of nature.
These sessions use local green spaces to encourage the young people and their families to venture out from where they live and for some this has been their first visit to the small, local nature reserve and large Victorian park. It is, on Jo’s words an holistic approach to education, and as the title suggests takes place largely in wooded areas.
This provision is not confined to children, but also works with families, offering monthly and regular sessions whereby the whole family can attend together.
Nature’s Footprints also has a thriving holiday provision where children and young people of different ages (4-8 years, 8-12 years and 13-19 years) can attend sessions, free of charge, and this therefore makes it accessible to anyone irrespective of their financial, ethnic or social background. All sessions are supervised by professionally trained practitioners. The organisation has worked hard to develop strong links with local and community organisations, professionals and schools, and families can either self book their children onto sessions or referrals can be made including those from health, family and social care workers
Another fun curry on – March 14th
WaterAid – March 9th
Howard Woods one of WaterAid’s speakers came to talk to the club. The facts and figures are alarming, so many babies and children still dying. Their aim is to be out of business by 2030 hopefully this will happen. We take water for granted; flushing loos, baths, showers, cups of tea washing etc.Member Linda remarked “I lifted the 10 litres container of water that an eight year old is expected to carry and I couldn’t have walked down the street with it and I couldn’t see my grandson doing it. Let’s support this worthwhile project wholeheartedly”.
Raising awareness at Kirklees College
Linda, Margaret and Sue manned a stall at the careers convention held on March 9th at Kirklees College, Dewsbury. The aim was to promote safe relationships, Cervical Cancer and S I Dewsbury and District. We made contact with a lot of staff and the students were interested in the information on the bookmarks given out and the facts about cervical cancer. We were asked about Soroptimists and were pleasantly surprised that some had actually heard of us.
Speaker meeting – February 23rd
Fund raiser – February 14th
Rhubarb Rhubarb, Rhubarb!
Curry Club’s Winter Warmer
Helping Jo’s Trust
Speaker meeting – January 12th
S.I.D & D speaker meetings for 2017 got off to a good start with Mr Don Burslam and ‘Carriages at 9.00pm’.
December Activities

The Carol Service at Hanging Heaton Church was well supported and it was a lovely service with our own Kate Currie officiating. It was wonderful to see the Mayor of Kirklees, Jenny Levick, our Yorkshire President and Paula Sherrif the MP for Dewsbury who attended. The collection raised £252.26 which will go to SI Presidents 10th December Appeal for Nepal, Hanging Heaton Church and Hanging Heaton Church Hall. Our thanks to Gawthorpe Brass Band and to the Mothers Union Choir and the members who sang with them. Also thanks to Hazel for the setting out and printing of the service sheets and to our members who served the tea and coffee. There were plenty of mince pies left which hopefully will be eaten at the Christmas meeting.
On December 15th members assembled at Dewsbury & District Golf Club for their annual Christmas Lunch, a good Christmas dinner was enjoyed by around 22 members.That evening was the last meeting of the year, the Business and Christmas meeting where a friend of Jane , Brenda gave a wonderful flower arranging demeonstration. the resulting arrangements were raffled to cover the cost of the flowers then everyone enjoyed mince pies and a Christmas drink and chat.
Meru Garden Fund Raisers
Speaker meeting – November 24th
Curry Club – November 3rd
Change of Presidents – October 27th
The business meeting was held at Dewsbury Golf Club as the chain of insignia was handed over from outgoing President Hazel to incoming President Julie.
Julie outlined her programme for her term of office and performed her first duty in presenting Mo Malik with her Long Service award for thirty years membership.
Julie brought the meeting to a close and members then socialised and enjoyed a wonderful hot supper and tucked in to the Presidential cake.