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A fashion show to fundraise for our projects – 16 July 2024

The club are organising an exciting evening of fashion and fun hosted by Travelling Trends. As well as a catwalk show, there is ample time to try on and buy this seaons fashions.

Celebrating a special 90th birthday – 3 June 2022 

Hilary Page MBE, celebrated her 90th birthday with family and friends  recently. Soroptimists from our Club and further afield attended including Past International President Ann Garvey and Past SIGBI President, Liz Batten. The celebration took place in the garden complete with all the trimmings of afternoon tea. From SI Epsom and District, Hilary was presented with a handmade card with messages from members, a SIGBI book of Constitutions and Bye-Laws c 1935, a Road to Equality Brooch, garden vouchers and an orchid. It was a wonderful occasion for a special Soroptimist!  

Photos left to right: Handmade birthday card, Hilary with Soroptimists, Hilary in the garden, Letter from SI President Maureen Maguire.

Soroptimists’ gathering at Denbies Vineyard- 22 May 2022 

Members of SI Epsom and District, Sally (indicated by the red arrow!) and Carol, sang at the Surrey Hills Artisan Fair at Denbies recently. Our Soroptimists like to share their talents with other members and both are members of a local Rock Choir. It was an opportunity for Soroptimists to meet socially and Diana, Jane and Joy came to the fair. All enjoyed their time together. 

Coffee Morning at the Olive Tree, Ashtead Park Garden Centre – 13 March 2022 

As we usually meet on Zoom , we are conscious that we should have time to get together and meet face to face. 10 of us met up for coffee and enjoyed a couple of hours chatting.  All agreed that this should be repeated on future occasions. Left to right: Pat, Judith, Joy, Jenny, Cathy, Veronica,  Pam, jane and Diana.  

International Day of Friendship Picnic – 31 July 2021 



It was a long time coming but at last we were able to meet as a Club with friends in Pat’s garden. We enjoyed a lovely feast of food brought by members. Luckily the rain held off for a while to enjoy the garden.  As a thank you for hosting, Pat was presented with an orchid by Sally which you can view below.

Above photos top row: Left: Diana and Norma, Centre: Jane, Right: Judith, Tina and Diana. Bottom row: Left: Various members, Right: Sally  

Approximately £300 was raised in donations to the 3 domestic abuse charities we support: True Honour, East Surrey Domestic Abuse Services and Reigate and Banstead Women’s Aid.

You can read more about International Day of Friendship here: