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Circular walk from Bouth to Hay Bridge Oct 7

On Wednesday October 7th, 6 members of the walking group set off in groups of two spaced in distanced intervals to comply with the latest CC Covid guidance.

The 4.5-mile walk started at Old Hall Farm then meandered on country lanes and paths though woods and over meadowland to Rusland Moss Hay and Bridge Nature Reserve before returning to Old Hall Farm. Hay Bridge Nature Reserve was founded in the late 1960’s by Helen “Tissie” Fooks with the twin aims of conservation and education. It was a delightful walk with beautiful views and a surprising array of flowers still blooming. One of the couples spotted a herd of red deer. White Moss and Black Beck Tarns were alive with swans and waterfowl. As well as wildlife there were historical features, notably Colton Church, Longmire watermill and the Coffin Road. There was time at the end to pet the goats at Old Hall Farm.

If you would like to find out more or join our club do CONTACT US