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Soroptimist International - Grange over Sands

Soroptimist International of Grange over Sands is part of a worldwide organisation of women, which is linked to the United Nations.

Grange SI is a thriving club of just under 40 members. Many have been members for a long time showing their commitment to and support for Soroptimism, but recently the club has seen an exciting influx of new members. This is possibly because of the interesting and varied activities and projects that the club is involved in.


The club meets at 7.30 pm on the first Tuesday in the month in Cartmel Village Hall. These meetings are for the running of the club, where whole club activities and projects are planned. Additionally members meet in smaller Programme Action Groups; these are focused on one area of Soroptimism and enable more focused and in depth projects to be realised. You can find out more about this on the Club News section and under specific headings. The different groups are Health and Food security, Environment and Economic Empowerment , Violence and Conflict Resolution the latter shortened to EEVCR for obvious reasons.
There is also a good fun packed programme of social events when husbands, partners and friends sometimes join us; these are occasions when the message of Soroptimism to improve the lives of women and girls is realised in a more light hearted way.

We have general social get togethers open to members and those interested in coming along to meet Soroptimists and find out what we do. The next events are:

Date Area Venue
Tuesday 18 Feb – 2.30pm Kendal Romney’s, Milnthorpe Rd , Kendal LA95HG

 See Diary dates for calendar of  meetings and other social events.

The club also has  a walking group and two Reading Groups ( members read and meet to review an eclectic range of good literature, at the same time finding out more about each other).

If you are interested in becoming a member  or just want further information please  ring Mary Ann on 015395 32265 or contact us through this website so that we can arrange a chat or  for you to come to a meeting. We would welcome you warmly.  You can ring Mary Ann on  015395 32265 or   CONTACT US 

Our  club meetings are not open to members of the general public but please make contact to arrange a visit or get more information. Why not come along to one of the social get togethers?

Do see our Club News and What WE DO  sections to get an idea of our activities.

Recent News

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