The Programme Action Presentation Evening commenced with the presentations of cheques to representatives of organisations who benefited from fundraising during President Pat’s year. The two main charities supported this year have been Handicap International, which sent a video expressing their thanks, and Treasure Chest Breast Cancer charity.

The cheques were accepted by representatives from Treasure Chest, the Royal British Legion who benefitted from the sale of knitted poppies, Women’s Aid, and the Soroptimist Benevolent Fund.

Members also reported on other causes supported during the year, including backpacks for Mary’s Meals, donations for the Conwy Food Bank, and school visits with the Bees project.

The guest speaker was our own member Mary, who visited Lesotho in 2014 to help train health workers in Maternal Healthcare. The club helped Mary to finance her visit and to provide equipment for further training of staff in the clinics in Lesotho.