At the June Business meeting, President Stephanie presented a cheque for £300 to Girl Guide Katie Dutta towards her trip to Latvia in October. Katie was very grateful.
“Girlguiding Overseas Linked with Development” (GOLD) is a sustainable community development project which works with Guiding Associations across the world to help grow Guiding and address issues concerning young women in those countries. GOLD Latvia 2015 is the 4th year of the project in Latvia, and will help to grow Guiding through skills development for Leaders and younger members, and helping to develop the Ranger programme for members aged 16+.
Katie Dutta has been selected to join the team going to Latvia in 2016 and she is working hard to fundraise for her trip.

Also this week, President Stephanie and Barbara visited the Soroptimist marquee at the Cheshire Show.
The Soroptimist stand featured the “Stop the Trafficking Gift Box”.