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November Project Activity

The November Regional “Change of Insignia” meeting was held at Coleg Cambria.

As usual, we took the opportunity to fund raise for the Presidents’ charities by holding a blue and yellow tombola stall,

We also raised money for the Meru Garden Project in Kenya, by running a raffle with six lovely prizes, which raised £57.

Elaine and Sandra selling raffle tickets for the Meru Garden Project.
Elaine and Sandra selling raffle tickets for the Meru Garden Project.







To the November Business meeting, we brought plant pots, compost, bulbs, and trowels in order to bring some colourful flowers to the garden at the Women’s Refuge next Spring. Members have already spent time renovating the garden and the bulbs will make a lovely show. You can see the bulb planters  working hard,bulb planting 1 bulb planting 2 bulb planting 3