On Thursday 20th April 2023, we held our AGM at The Imperial Hotel in Llandudno.
We had a review of the year by presidents Pam Farr, Cynthia Poyser and Mary Longworth and what a busy year it was! We’ve raised monies and had talks from various charities including We Mind the Gap, Sands Gwynedd, Conwy Mind, Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline Charity and we were privileged to have some of those charities speakers back with us for presentation of the cheques and flowers.
Next saw a video celebrating our 60th birthday followed by change of insignia.
We also awarded our secretary, Rhian Hand with a certificate for 25 years contribution to Soroptimists. 

Thank you to Pam, Cynthia and Mary for a fantastic year, we welcome Sandra Snow to the helm this year as our president and look forward to what she has planned!