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International Evening 2017

Soroptimist International Nottingham
On the 20th November the international aspects of Soroptimism were celebrated.
One way of doing this is by our candle lighting ceremony. This carried out every year at International Evening. Individuals come up and light up candles which emphasise the International and local spread of Soroptimism. We then have a minute’s thought about what the candles represent. Candles were lit for:
Soroptimism International; Soroptimism Great Britain and Ireland; Soroptimism International Nottingham (our own club); SI Nottingham Link Clubs; SI Nottingham Trust; The United Nations; and finally
Peace and Friendship world-wide

This year there was a talk about the work of the Arithamea Trust in Nottingham. ( Members were particularly moved by a poem read by an asylum seeker, illustrating the work done by the Arithamea Trust helping people of all ages and walks in life, many of whom are destitute through no fault of their own.