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Harrogate 2014 Conference

SI Nottingham turned out in force to support club member Margaret Oldroyd at the conclusion of her year as President of Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI). 

The conference was attended by over 1,400 women from 29 countries across the world and its theme was ‘Women Leading Change Together.’ Nottingham Club members undertook a range of key roles to contribute to the success of the conference, which included keynote speakers Sahar Hashemi – founder of Coffee Republic – and Dame Jenni Murray.


During her year of office, Margaret has visited Soroptimists in a number of countries to see the work that is being done to help women and girls achieve their potential. In Zimbabwe, Margaret visited Bulawayo to see firsthand the impact of a project initiated by UK Soroptimists called ‘Knickers for Knowledge’ where funds from the sale of clothing are used to provide underwear and sanitary products to girls to enable them to attend school whilst menstruating


“It has been an immense privilege to serve as President of SIGBI for the past year” said Margaret. “Two things I will never forget will be the support and friendship of my fellow Soroptimists, and the smiles on the faces of the girls we visited in Africa who were so happy to be at school, and so aware of the impact that their education will have on their future lives.”