To help the Nelson Trust Women’s Centre in Old Town celebrate Easter and the move to their new larger premises, Swindon Soroptimists donated Easter eggs to the clients of the Centre and a big box of chocolates for the staff to enjoy .
After the success of giving Christmas ‘shoe boxes’ to them, Swindon Soroptimists were keen to treat the women again. As Team Lead Christina Line commented “it will be a nice surprise for the women who’d never expect to get any Easter eggs and shows them that someone out there cares and is thinking of them”.
Swindon Soroptimists have donated clothes for the women as well as many kitchen items as the Centre’s new site has a kitchen, enabling staff to hold social gatherings and teach budget housekeeping.
The new site also has much more space and staff have increased from 3 to 10, allowing them to create a fuller timetable of psycho-social and educational groups.