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Swindon Soroptimists Attend Wiltshire Police’s Conference on VAWG

Seldom Heard Voices


Our members Lydia and Jackie were inspired, moved and motivated by all the wonderful speakers at the Wiltshire Police “Seldom Heard Voices” VAWG event yesterday, highlighting the even greater injustices and violence suffered by those from ethnic minorities or with vulnerabilities or disabilities. Some harrowing stories from amazing and courageous women, as well as shocking statistics, such as women with limiting disabilities are twice as likely to suffer Domestic Abuse. Lovely to meet up with our friends from Salisbury Soroptimists, VAS Swindon, Swindon Sisters Alliance & The Nelson Trust. As Chief Constable Catherine Roper closed the meeting, she  echoed Bridie Anderson’s words, “Don’t Assume, Ask; Listen and Be Kind” and charged us all to consider what more we can do to do to end Violence Against Women and those “Seldom Heard Voices” .