Our visit to Swindon Community Hub
We posted before that we’d be at Swindon Community Hub on International Women’s Day to (wo)man our stand and indeed we were!
Our members Jackie and Lydia had a wonderful morning meeting the ladies of Swindon at our stand in the Swindon Community Hub. To mark International Women’s Day, our club gave posies of daffodils to the women who stopped to chat with us about our work. They met some fantastic women; one woman found it so interesting that she brought her daughter back especially to meet our members and see our display!

The Swindon Hub is a bustling hive of activity with different drop-in sessions all week, from art groups to a weekly knitting group, so you get the chance to meet interesting people whenever you pop in. That day was no different, as our members got to meet two ladies from Swindon’s Early Years Health Advice Service. It was great to learn about what they do to support parents.

Poetry Wall
Then our members Alison, Rozza and Corrine took over at the stand, while Jackie and Lydia went on to the Nelson Trust. The Trust was buzzing, between ladies having pamper sessions, haircuts and Italian lunches! Our members say well done to Emma and the team at the Nelson Trust for organising such a great day.
We’d particularly like to share this picture of the Nelson Trust Poetry Wall because it explains so well why the Trust has become so close to our hearts at Swindon Soroptimists. Please do take the time to read it.

Unexpected gifts
Back at the hub, Alison, Rozza and Corrine carried on handing out daffodils to the women of Swindon for the rest of the afternoon. As member Alison said, “it’s lovely to see the surprised smiles that come from a small unexpected gift!”