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World Environment Day 2024

Marking UN World Environment Day — 5th June 2024

To mark World Environment Day 2024 and to join in with this year’s Volunteers’ Week (which celebrates its 40th birthday this year!), five of our members went litter picking along the Old Town Railway path and Scott Way.


(from left to right) Jackie, Alison, Rozza and Lynnette set off!
‘Well done!’

We’d like to say a hearty ‘Well Done!’ to the walkers of Old Town as there wasn’t much to find until we got nearer to the West Swindon shops. However, we managed to collect three binbags worth of rubbish, so we certainly got the chance to do our bit!

(from left to right) Lynnette, Jackie, Lydia, Rozza and three binbags of rubbish!

We had a lovely sunny, albeit cool, day, just right for a productive walk litter picking. But it wasn’t all work: we made sure to enjoy the Railway Art on the path, too!