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Pillowcase dresses arrive in Banjul


Just as we were looking for a reliable and affordable way to get 136 pillowcase dresses to Banjul in the Gambia, Marion Christmas was our guest speaker at the last supper meeting of the club year.  Her topic was her work with the scout movement in the Gambia and Kaira Konko Lodge.  Naturally we showed Marion some of the beautiful dresses made by schoolgirls in Hampshire for schoolgirls in the Gambia.  To our delight and relief Marion said she could find room for them in her “luggage” on her next trip to Banjul.  Marion personally delivered the dresses to SI Banjul and met a teacher and some of the girls from the school supported by the club.


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Marion Christmas with members of SI Banjul and a teacher and girls from the school they support.
Two of the schoolgirls examining the dresses