From 26th- 29th July 2023 members representing a host of countries from five Federations were welcomed to Dublin to participate in the 22nd Soroptimist International Convention to hear a range of speakers on a wide selection of challenging subjects, to exchange ideas and to not only meet up with friends again but to make new ones. The theme of the Convention was ‘Challenge the Future’. Members of the Aberdeen club were joined by another nine Scottish members from Glasgow, Perth, Crieff, Kirkcaldy, Falkirk, Paisley, Inverness and Nairn.

The Convention Programme included a talk from Mary Robinson, the former President of Ireland who spoke of her deep concern for climate change, and her message to delegates was to take personal responsibility for our actions to combat it. The former president of the Republic of China spoke of the government of China and Taiwan’s efforts towards Gender Equality, and delegates learned of the safeguarding work of the UK Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre. Public Speaking speeches by award winning Irish schoolgirls, entitled, ‘Democracy and Peace’ and ‘Mental Health’ were much applauded by delegates. Soroptimist International UN representatives spoke of their work in various parts of the world and delegates had opportunities to view pieces of work and posters of projects undertaken around the world.