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Act of Remembrance 11th November 2020

Act of Remembrance 11th November 2020


Unfortunately, this year because of lockdown, the annual Act of Remembrance at St John’s War Memorial in Whiteladies Road on 11th November had to be pared down and held without the usual attendance of 200 school pupils, a bugler, and music from a brass consort.   So, it was different but memorable and special nonetheless with clergy from Churches Together in Clifton, Redland and Cotham, a representative from the police, a Police Community Support Officer and a number of well distanced passers-by.   Four wreaths were laid including one by Sue P, President Elect, Soroptimist International Bristol.

Speaker Meeting 9th November 2020: Vision Aid Overseas – Ruth Davies

Speaker Meeting 9th November 2020: Vision Aid Overseas – Ruth Davies


Ruth started her presentation telling us about the history of  Vision Aid Overseas.  It was founded in 1985 and the first country to benefit was Tanzania. It has now, for over 30 years, been helping some of the world’s poorest people in African countries to see clearly.  Interestingly most people in these countries need glasses from the age of 30 where as in the UK they need them from the age of 40. Ruth told us that the spectacles we donate are of a very high quality. They are washed, prepared and sent to the countries needing them. On a practical note it is important that children who require glasses get them early or they fall behind with their work.  Volunteers (4-6) go to the country where they are needed for two weeks at a time and they contribute to the cost.  They set up

Royal Patron’s Award: Another award for Sue P

Royal Patron’s Award: Another award for Sue P


On 4th November, President Elect Sue was honoured for her work at Abbeyfield. Due to the impending Lockdown (starting 5th November), the event was smaller than planned for such an auspicious occasion. The ceremony took place in All Saints Church, Clifton where it was possible to self-distance.  Two representatives from Abbeyfield presented Sue with a stylish broch, a framed certificate and a large bouquet of flowers. Following a thanks from Sue, a toast was given in Champagne.  Congratulations Sue – a truly worthy recognition of your commitment and service to Abbeyfield; first as a volunteer, then as a staff member and now as a volunteer.   Sue’s Certificate reads: “In grateful recognition of your outstanding and valued commitment to the care of older people, in particular for your incredible 45 years of commitment to Abbeyfield in the Bristol area and beyond, and for using your

SIGBI Conference On-Line (from Belfast) October 30th – 31st 2020

SIGBI Conference On-Line (from Belfast) October 30th – 31st 2020


In our Centenary year seven members of SI Bristol joined the annual conference online this year and there were over 900 other delegates. It was very different as Coronavirus had not allowed us to travel to Ireland where could also have enjoyed the sites and the atmosphere of this beautiful city.  We could not see the delegates but we understand that The South West and Channel Islands Region was well represented. On Thursday 29th October prior to Conference they ran the Federation Programme Action Committee meeting.  It was introduced and compared by SIGBI Programme Director, Kay Richmond and there were presentations throughout the day. The Conference ran from 13.30 – 17.00 each day and we could watch or catch up in the comfort of our own homes.  SI Bristol set up a WhatsApp group which enabled us to contact each other in a chatty way

New Friendship Link Co-ordinator: Liz N

New Friendship Link Co-ordinator: Liz N


We are delighted that Liz N has now taken the post of Friendship Link Co-ordinator.  Liz (seen here on the right) is also co-ordinating the Friends of the Club.  These are members who have left and joined other Soroptimist Clubs.  We are so please that Liz has taken on this challenge as she is a long standing member of the Club and is familiar with all our Friends.  We would like to encourage our friends to follow us n social media too: Facebook: Soroptimist Bristol, Twitter: @si_bristol, Instagram: soroptimist_bristol, LinkedIn: Soroptimist International of Bristol Susan G will continue to run the Luncheon Club.  These members are usually longstanding members who have retired from the club but are still interested in us and support the work that we do.

Granny Downs Walk:  Durdham Downs  22nd October 2020

Granny Downs Walk:  Durdham Downs  22nd October 2020


  On 22nd October, a cohort of SI Bristol enjoyed a tour of trees on Durdham Downs in an area known as the Granny Downs. The socially distanced group were guided round by Gill, one of our members, and examined the features of 17 different trees, including one large leaved lime believed to be 200 years old.  Everyone appreciated the colourful Autumn leaves and the history of the area. It is hoped to repeat the tour next Spring  

New Homes for Trauma Teddies:  Next Link and Missing Link October 15th and Above and Beyond October 21st 2020

New Homes for Trauma Teddies:  Next Link and Missing Link October 15th and Above and Beyond October 21st 2020


More Trauma Teddies find new home where they will be very happy comforting children Teddies, 50 in total, were delivered to Next Link a charity providing domestic abuse support and Missing Link a charity providing a range of housing and support for women who have either acute or long term mental health needs.  These little bears will be treasured as so often mothers and children have none of their possessions especially toys. Another 50 teddies were delivered to Above and Beyond the local charity supporting Bristol city centre hospitals and other services.  This includes The Bridge helping people who have been raped and sexual assaulted including children. In 2013/14 The Bridge was our Club Charity for the year.  Prior to that we also sponsored a 4 year old girl who needed their counselling services, at that time the NHS did not fund counselling for children

Speaker Meeting October 12th 2020: Lucy’s Impressions of Syria

Speaker Meeting October 12th 2020: Lucy’s Impressions of Syria


One of our members, Lucy, gave a talk (via Zoom) about her impressions of Syria in 2008.  This was before everything changed in such a devastating way with the onset of the civil war. Lucy spent several days there for work and was able to see something of the country as well as meeting some Syrians.  Visits to the mosques in Damascus as well as the Syrian Coptic churches where she heard the Lord’s Prayer recited in Aramaic were very interesting, but the highlight was a visit to the impressive Krak de Chevalier Crusader castle. She recalled the welcome of everyone she met there and how she often wonders what has happened to them now.

More Trauma Bears go to new homes:  Unseen and The Park Community Centre

More Trauma Bears go to new homes:  Unseen and The Park Community Centre


On September 22nd 2020, 25 Trauma Teddies were handed over to Poppy at the Unseen charity offices in Bristol (top left). The following week 400 Trauma Teddies were delivered to The Park Community Centre in Knowle (bottom left).  We have been connected to Unseen for many years and were delighted to see the outside of their new premises.  Unseen works towards a world without slavery through supporting survivors and providing them with a safe place to recover from trauma and rebuild their lives.  They do not have a children’s safe house but they do have clients with children and the teddies will be very welcome.   Wendy, the Supervisor of Families in Focus South, at The Park Community Centre in Knowle received 400 teddies.  The Centre has kindly agreed to distribute the teddies to Children’s Services across Bristol.

The Head of Clifton High School receives our book “100 Yeas of Sisterhood: Bristol Fashion”

The Head of Clifton High School receives our book “100 Yeas of Sisterhood: Bristol Fashion”


On Tuesday, 29th September, President Marion presented a copy of our history book to Matthew Bennett, the new Head of Clifton High School. This presentation was particularly important as the founding President of SI Bristol, Miss Eleanor Addison Phillips, was head of Clifton High School from 1908 to 1933. The weather was so nice that the photograph to document the occasion was taken outside the building where Miss Phillips had her office This is just one of a number of books presented to people who have influenced the writing of the book to say “thank you”.  Other books have been donated to significant people/organisations who value the history of Soroptimist International of Bristol and our contribution to both the organisation and the City of Bristol.