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One and Eightpence in my Pocket

Cannock Soroptimists were joined by June Pickerill who gave us a fascinating talk with the intriguing title ‘one and eightpence in my pocket’. June told us the life story of her ancestor John Pickerill and the incredible good fortune she had in discovering some previously unknown letters.  It was finding these letters which changed the entire direction of her life and started her on a twenty year quest to find out more.

Over twenty years ago June was faced with clearing out the home of an elderly aunt. By sheer luck she found a rusty old tin and on opening it discovered it contained nine letters. These letters were written in the years 1853-1864 and told of John’s adventures as he left his Hednesford home and travelled to South Australia in search of a better life. He wanted to be his own master and was drawn to Australia by the offer of free passage and land for only two and sixpence an acre. With just one and eightpence in his pocket he left behind everything he had known including his pregnant wife, Sarah and even changed his name on arrival becoming known as John Pickering from then onwards.

Although his story ended sadly, his family prospered in the new country and he left behind his wife, 2 sons and a daughter who started a whole new branch of the Pickering/Pickerill family. When a reunion was held in 2005 which June attended, the family had grown to the extent that over 200 Australian descendents of John and Sarah were able to attend and meet up with the English relatives who were completely unknown to them before June began her research.

june pickerill and lynne


Photo attached: June Pickerill with Lynne Tuckley  President, S I Cannock & District