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Early on Sunday morning, 17th June, 4 members of Cannock Soroptimists were in position near to Chasewater to marshal the first part of the bike ride section of the Staffordshire Ironman 70.3.  Competitors had completed the one and a half mile swim in Chasewater and begun the 56 mile bike ride on their way to Shugborough where they ran a half marathon!

Soroptimists had joined members of Rotary clubs to help to marshal the event last year and found it so worthwhile they decided to do it again this year.

It was a great experience being part of such an event, directing the riders and cheering them on. The competitors were so appreciative of the job all of the volunteer marshals do, shouting out their thanks or sharing a joke about the day and the weather – which this year was fabulous – all blue skies and sunshine.

The next club meeting at the Barns, Huntington, will be at 7.00pm on Tuesday July 11th when the speaker will be Sue Arnold, Deputy Police Crime Commissioner.  Her topic is ‘Women as Victims’, she will be discussing how the Police deal with the issues of sex trafficking, domestic violence and stalking.  Club members are looking forward to hearing what she has to say to them.

Anyone wishing to come along can book in by emailing or by phoning 07971 494510.  The evening costs £14.00 and begins with a two course meal.

More information about the work of the Cannock club, along with dates for meetings for the coming year can be found on their website: or on their Facebook page at

Ironman 2017 Jill Maggie  Carole

Photos attached: Soroptimists Jill Gooch, Carole Holdcroft and Maggie Shore at Chasewater prior to the race beginning.