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Lesley Smith evening

Over 80 Cannock Soroptimists and their guests welcomed the return of Lesley Smith, the curator of Tutbury Castle who has entertained us many times with her enthralling re-enactments of characters in history. This time she brought to life a woman from more recent times; a true heroine of the Second World War, Peggy Knight.

Peggy joined the Special Operations Executive, SOE, in 1944 having been recruited because of her ability to speak fluent French. Although brought up in England she had been born in Paris of an English father and a Polish mother, and both French and English were spoken at home. Peggy had a typical London childhood, which Lesley brought to life brilliantly. She then trained as a shorthand typist before being recruited into the SOE at the age of 24.  She was warned that she had only a 50% chance of surviving her mission. After just one month’s training she was parachuted into France, having had only one practice jump instead of the usual six. She was used as a courier by one of the French Resistance groups, had some narrow escapes and was almost captured when hiding in woods for hours with a wounded British airman surrounded by around 700 German troops.

She was one of 50 women who were sent overseas by SOE, of which 15 were captured and only 3 came back to England safely. Luckily Peggy was one of the three. She was awarded medals by the British, French and American governments after the war. She married on her return home, had children and never spoke of her wartime activities. Although her bravery is now largely forgotten, thanks to Lesley Smith’s wonderful talent she was brought to life again as the audience was held spellbound listening to Lesley’s brilliant portrayal of a remarkable brave young woman.

The evening was held to raise funds for St Giles’ Phoenix Project, a bereavement service for children and young people, President June Bould’s chosen charity for the year. Thanks to everyone’s generosity the event raised almost £500.00.  President June thanked all who had supported the event and made it such a memorable evening.


 Photo: l to r: June Bould, President SI Cannock & District; Lesley Smith as Peggy Knight; Soroptimist Lakhwinder Thompson and Soroptimist Carole Holdcroft