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Cannock Soroptimists have trained their second group of Your Body, Your Rules Ambassadors within local schools. Your Body, Your Rules is a project which enables young people in schools (Ambassadors) to ensure younger students in their schools are aware of the issues surrounding sending nudes, something which is very common amongst teenagers – and children even younger. The training day, led by Soroptimists Jackie Prince and Trish Mellor, was held in the banqueting suite at Cannock Council offices and these young people, just like last year’s Ambassadors, showed that they will handle the role with great success. PCSOs Laura Bainbridge and Suki Mander were there to chat to the students and to give a police perspective.

During the day they learned about the possible consequences – emotional as well as legal – of sending nudes on a phone. They learned that it is impossible to delete a photo, it will always be there somewhere within the world wide web- quite a disturbing thought.

They learned of the legal implications: it is illegal for anyone to send or receive a nude or semi nude photo of anyone under the age of 18; many were shocked that, in the UK, the age of legal responsibility is 10.

Schools represented at the training were Cannock Chase High; Cardinal Griffin Catholic College; Chase Terrace Technology College; Norton Canes High School and Staffordshire University Academy; they were joined by police cadets from the Cannock Cadet unit as well as some of the existing Ambassadors within the schools.

Before the day ended each group had a plan for delivery within their own school, year 8 will again be the target group and the first presentations will be over the next few weeks. They will be supported throughout the project by members of Cannock Soroptimists. In addition, the new Ambassadors worked on a strapline for the project which embodies everything they want it to do. The one to be used came from our Norton Canes Ambassadors:

The confidence to speak up; the strength to say No

Trish Smith, President of SI Cannock & District, presented the new Ambassadors with their YBYR badges and congratulated them on all that they had achieved during the day as well as thanking the members of the Club who had delivered the training and those who had provided refreshments – including a wonderful lunch – throughout the day. Certificates were presented by Clare Williams on behalf of Sue Arnold, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, who has supported the project from the beginning.