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SI Cannock making face coverings for hospital staff

Over the past weeks Cannock Soroptimists have been collecting and delivering hand and face creams to local Hospitals and care Homes. The creams ease the suffering experienced by staff wearing PPE. Donations have come from Soroptimists themselves, their friends, families and neighbours. Altogether almost 700 units of creams and other toiletries were very generously donated and have been delivered – wonderful!
Amongst the donations were items such as soap, shampoo, shower gel which weren’t needed by Hospitals and Care Homes. A phone call to Cannock Food Bank confirmed that they could definitely make use of them – and so two boxes full were delivered to the Food Bank. The member of staff who received them said how extremely grateful they were – it appears that they are desperately short of toiletries and cleaning materials.
Soroptimists received a request from Fairoak Ward at Cannock Hospital – did we make fabric masks? It appears that staff need to wear them when not on duty to ensure the safety of others around them but working such long hours means they don’t have the time to make them. So President Trish Smith and member Pat Stanley [who made all of the uniform bags] led the charge and they, along with 2 other members took to their sewing machines with a further member covering the wires needed for the bridge over the nose. Enough masks for all staff were delivered and the staff have confirmed that the masks are extremely comfortable to wear. No doubt they enjoyed choosing which colour and pattern they would each have!
Club President Trish Smith said, “I am so proud to be President of such an amazing club which can only be such because of its amazing members. I do feel that we have ‘stepped up to the plate’ and helped where we could during these difficult times.”

Photos: Food Bank receive donations
Masks made, delivered and donated