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Summer Celebration

Members of SI Cannock enjoyed our summer celebration in style with a tour of the National Trust’s Sunnycroft villa, Shropshire, followed by afternoon tea at the Buckatree Hotel, Telford.
We discovered the fascinating history of the villa and were delighted to learn that the last private owner of Sunnycroft, Joan Lander, was in fact a member of the Shrewsbury Soroptimist group! Joan’s embroidered gold and blue Shrewsbury Soroptimist table cloth was on display at the villa especially for the Cannock members, who were all delighted to see it and to admire the intricacy of the work. President Lynne, herself an accomplished embroiderer, was particularly pleased to see it. Lynne designed and embroidered cloths for SI Cannock for both their 50th and 60th anniversaries.
After the tour, we relaxed at the Buckatree hotel where we enjoyed a sun soaked afternoon tea on the terrace.summer celeb 2015