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Feel Good, Look Good Event

Cannock Soroptimists held a very successful Feel Good Look Good event last Friday evening. Around 50 women went along and enjoyed talking to the many stall holders representing various organisations connected with women’s health, all concerned with helping women to feel better about themselves and with ways to look after themselves.

President Carole Holdcroft welcomed everyone, including SI Midland Chase Region President Alison Green and Amanda Milling, MP for Cannock Chase. She also thanked Cannock Lions for sponsoring the event.  The first speaker was one of SI Cannock’s newer and younger members – Kate Young – who told the audience a little about herself, about Soroptimists and about her reasons, as a busy woman working full time, for joining the international organisation. She explained that it is the balance between working on projects which support those women less fortunate than us : whether involved in domestic abuse, trafficking, needing help to develop skills to become independent or self sufficient; with the social side of Soroptimism – the fun and friendship – which appealed to her initially and which still appeals to her.

Kathy Coe, founder of Pathway, then spoke a little of the many ways they provide  support to women victims of Domestic Violence.  Their service has developed so much over the 22 years since it began: last year they gave direct help to 37 women in the Cannock area alone. Kathy introduced a woman who has been a client of Pathway and who now works with them supporting other women.  She told the audience her story and it was very powerful, enabling others to understand a little of the way a victim of DV can feel.  She said that the bravest thing she ever did was to make that first step and call the help line – and although it has been a long process she has never looked back.  The 24 hour help line number is 01543 676800.

Alison Jackson of the worldwide charity Look Good Feel Better for cancer patients spoke of the free beauty workshops provided locally at New Cross and Stafford Hospitals. Cosmetics are donated by some of the large beauty houses and each woman who goes along to a workshop not only receives help and advice but also a bag of beauty goods valued at around £200. Anyone interested in knowing more can phone LGFB on 01372 747500.

Fiona Ford, who founded Fresh Hair, a bespoke wig fitting service for cancer patients and who is a past winner of SI Midland Chase Inspirational Woman competition, explained that her service will soon be available for two days every week at Stafford Hospital, an extension of the salon currently at Stoke Hospital.  There are also plans for the service to be rolled out elsewhere in the country – like LGFB, her service gives an enormous confidence boost to women at a time when they have little self confidence.  More information is available at

Vicky Farmer, nutritionist, dispelled some of the myths about our diet. We need to maintain a balanced diet which includes carbohydrates, fats, fibre and protein – cutting anything out completely can bring its own problems.

The evening gave the opportunity to talk to a colour analyst, nail technician, breast care specialist, podiatrist and staff from St Giles Hospice as well as the speakers.  There was a free prize draw and one lucky woman won a basket packed with pamper goodies.  There was a great ‘buzz’ with everyone finding the evening informative and interesting – an added bonus for Cannock Soroptimists is that a number of the ladies are keen to come along to a meeting and find out more about the club and the organisation.carole feel good crowd feel good feel good crowd fiona feel good