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Lesley Smith evening

Lesley Smith evening


Over 80 Cannock Soroptimists and their guests welcomed the return of Lesley Smith, the curator of Tutbury Castle who has entertained us many times with her enthralling re-enactments of characters in history. This time she brought to life a woman from more recent times; a true heroine of the Second World War, Peggy Knight. Peggy joined the Special Operations Executive, SOE, in 1944 having been recruited because of her ability to speak fluent French. Although brought up in England she had been born in Paris of an English father and a Polish mother, and both French and English were spoken at home. Peggy had a typical London childhood, which Lesley brought to life brilliantly. She then trained as a shorthand typist before being recruited into the SOE at the age of 24.  She was warned that she had only a 50% chance of surviving her

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day


President June Bould welcomed 50 members and guests to their event to mark International Women’s Day 2019.  President June explained that after women gained the right to vote in Soviet Russia in 1917, March 8 became a national holiday there. In 1975 the UN began celebrating the day as a way of recognising women’s achievements and since then celebrations of IWD on March 8th each year have spread globally, becoming a rallying call for support for women’s participation in politics and economics. This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is Balance for Better and we can all work to build a gender-balanced world. Gender balance is essential for economies and communities to thrive; it is needed in boardrooms, in government, in wealth, sports – everywhere.  Everyone enjoyed striking the pose of #BalanceforBetter – an excellent way of reminding us of the need for balance. Soroptimist

Staffordshire Women’s Aid

Staffordshire Women’s Aid


Dickie James MBE, CEO of Staffordshire Women’s Aid was the guest of Cannock Soroptimists at their February Business Meeting.  She was invited along to update the club on new, exciting developments and projects within SWA. Dickie began by telling members and guests how much she loves being with women’s groups – seeing the evidence of women supporting each other to improve their lives and make the world a better place – the underlying aim of SWA. She told a little of their background – Staffordshire was one of the first Counties to provide a refuge for women, a safe place where those suffering Domestic Abuse could go. This was in the late 1970s and for over 40 years SWA has worked to build and provide services locally in Cannock, Stafford and South Staffs. There have been many cuts in resources over the last 10 years,

SI Cannock Annual Dinner

SI Cannock Annual Dinner


Cannock Soroptimists recently celebrated the 64th Anniversary of their Charter, the club was formed in 1955.  This year’s Annual Dinner was held at Brocton Hall Golf Club and was attended by members and friends from Cannock and from other clubs within the Midland Chase Region. President June Bould welcomed special guests Amanda Milling MP; Jan Gray, President SI Midland Chase Region and speaker for the evening Anna Turney, paralympic ski racer.  Amanda Milling MP made the toast to Soroptimist International; the organisation is almost 100 years old.  She praised the organisation for the work it does to improve and enhance the lives of women and had looked at all that women in Parliament have achieved in the last 100 years, from Nancy Astor, the first woman in Parliament in 1919, through to today when there are 208 women MPs and the second woman Prime Minister. 

Chocolatier at SI Cannock

Chocolatier at SI Cannock


At the first speaker meeting of 2019 members were deliciously entertained by Jackie Smith. 12 years ago Jackie turned her back on education to start her own business: giving her the best job in the world, a real life Willy Wonka. Whilst researching the history of chocolate she found that it has health benefits! It is rich in nitric oxide and has anti inflammatory properties with the good news being that eating a small amount each day will not pile on the pounds! The Cacao bean was discovered in the Amazon in the time of the Mayan people. The beans were used as currency and they had a higher value than gold. Once the pods are harvested, the beans which at this stage are pink, are left to dry for 2 – 8 days which turns them brown, then they are sent for processing;

Latest News

Latest News


Cannock Soroptimists were delighted to support people locally and abroad over the Christmas period. Members made donations amounting to £135.25 to international project “Women, Water and Leadership” in lieu of sending cards to each other; they donated Christmas gifts for the women and children who were living in the refuge run by The Pathway Project for women victims of domestic abuse and funded and prepared a 3 course Christmas meal for almost 60 people who regularly use the Soup Kitchen in Mill Street, Cannock. Cannock Soroptimists are continuing their work with local schools involved with two of their projects “Your Body, Your Rules” and the Loves Me/Moves Me Not bookmarks. The speaker at their Annual Dinner to be held on February 8th at Brocton Hall Golf Club is paralympic snowboard champion Anna Turney. They will be marking International Women’s Day this year by holding a

Talk for International Women’s Day

Talk for International Women’s Day


SI C&D International Women’s day 2019 (1) SI Cannock & District  invite you to an evening to mark International Women’s Day on Tuesday 5th March 2019 at The Barns Restaurant, Huntington, Cannock 6.30pm for 7.00pm Speaker: Historian and Author Dr Janis Lomas “Rabble rousers and genteel ladies: the petticoat pioneers who won the vote” Tickets: £14.00 To include a 2 course meal and coffee/tea with mints Meal choice Chicken breast served with spinach and red pepper served with a champagne sauce Salmon fillet with an Italian tomato and herb sauce Vegetable and leek medley en croute o0o White chocolate and raspberry bread and butter pudding Fresh fruit salad Fruits of the forest cheesecake Chocolate fudge cake Payment of £14.00 by bacs: Sort code 52-21-00 Account Number 94990328 (Ref: Your Surname & IWD19) Please send to Mrs Eileen Cryer, 112, Newhall Street Cannock, Staffs WS11 1AD

Stafford and Cannock League of Hospital Friends

Stafford and Cannock League of Hospital Friends


President, June Bould, was delighted to welcome Zoe Pyatt, Housing Manager at Stafford and Cannock League of Hospital Friends to Cannock Soroptimist’s last speaker evening. Zoe captured the ladies’ attention by outlining the amazing work undertaken by the unique Charity. Far from the League of Friends indispensable coffee shops which effuse hospitality and for which the organisation is known, Zoe explained the Charity’s growth and expansion into providing supportive housing for individuals who are battling mental illness. The Charity, which was run solely by dedicated volunteers until 1996, now owns several properties in the Stafford area, recently purchasing their first in Cannock. Stafford and Cannock League of Hospital Friends work tirelessly to offer furnished, modern housing to those in need. They help to support vulnerable members of society by providing a tailored support service to aid recovery and beat addiction. Currently the League house forty

Christmas gifts for Pathway Women’s Refuge

Christmas gifts for Pathway Women’s Refuge


Christmas – a time for giving And that is exactly what Cannock Soroptomists will be doing again this year. There are many things the Club members do throughout the year to help women and children locally and globally, but Christmas is a time of year when it is especially good to remember and help those in need. Members have donated gifts which will be wrapped and given to the women and children who will spend Christmas living in the refuge for women victims of domestic abuse. The gifts provided this year included clothing, toys, books, toiletry sets: the things we all love to receive on Christmas Day, though for these women and their children the gifts will mean rather more as they will all be without any other family members at that time. It has become tradition for Club members to provide and cook a

SI Cannock wins Best Practice Award for Education

SI Cannock wins Best Practice Award for Education


CANNOCK & DISTRICT AWARD WINNERS!! On Saturday 27th October, at the Soroptimist International Federation of Great Britain & Ireland annual conference, Cannock & District were given the Best Practice award for Education for their Your Body, Your Rules, anti sexting project! With 8,000 Members in 352 Clubs in 29 countries including Great Britain, Ireland and countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Malta Soroptimist International of Great Britain & Ireland (SIGBI), works at a local, national and international level to educate, empower and enable opportunities for women and girls. The six key areas of work are Advocacy, Economic Empowerment, Education, Environmental Sustainability, Food Security and Health Care and Violence and Conflict Resolution. SIGBI has consultative status at the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) at the United Nations (UN). The Your Body, Your Rules anti-sexting project has been launched in Five local schools: Cannock Chase High,