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Speaker meeting – Geoff Brookes

Speaker meeting – Geoff Brookes


Cannock Soroptimists were entertained by their after dinner speaker Geoff Brookes, who provided them with an amusing account of his life in the Staffordshire Ambulance Service which spanned 25 years. Geoff began his career as an ambulance driver at a time when the role of the ambulance technician did not exist, however he soon grabbed the opportunity of this further development in emergency work to undertake the training at Pelsall Ambulance Training Centre. He enjoyed the role so much he became a senior training instructor, later using his skills and expertise to provide lifesaving training in schools around Staffordshire. During his long service Geoff saw many changes, not all of which he approved, for example the increase in violence against emergency staff which he attributes to drugs and alcohol misuse. Jeff shared some of the “highs and lows” of his 25 years in the service,

SI Cannock launch new petition

SI Cannock launch new petition


Cannock Soroptimists have become aware of a growing problem in this country – families who cannot afford to buy sanitary wear needed each month. A survey found that more than 137,700 girls have missed school in the last year because they couldn’t afford sanitary products. 6 per cent of parents admit they have been so desperate to equip their daughters with sanitary protection they have resorted to stealing on the occasions they couldn’t afford to buy them, whilst more than a fifth of parents said they had gone without something themselves so they had enough money to meet their daughter’s needs. Women’s Aid is aware of the issue as are food banks throughout the country. Many food banks distribute sanitary products and there are some specialist distribution centres already set up. Cannock Soroptimists made an initial collection of products to give to Staffordshire Women’s Aid

New President

New President


June Bould is the new President of SI Cannock & District; she was given the chain of office by out-going President Val Jones at the AGM held recently. June joined SI Cannock & District 4 years ago and has been involved with all of the projects the club has taken on in that time. She worked in the NHS for 16 years as a Speech & Language Therapy Technical Instructor working with adults at both Cannock & Stafford hospitals and also in the Community. President June began her year by congratulating Val on the successful year she had as President of the Club and presented her with flowers as a token of the Club’s appreciation. June told members that her hopes are that club members continue to work together in the spirit of friendship, helping women and girls locally, nationally and internationally. She also stressed

SI Cannock AGM

SI Cannock AGM


SI Cannock & District held its AGM at The Barns on 3rd April. The meeting marked the end of a busy year with President Val Jones at the helm. Val and the Club’s Officers reported on the successes and achievements of the year, thanking club members for their support. The year had seen some special events: a visit from King Henry VIII, a Cocktail evening at the President’s home, a summer celebration lunch at a member’s home and Christmas celebrations at The Barns as well as many very interesting speakers. During the year club members have continued to support Pathway and Staffordshire Women’s Aid, the services for women victims of Domestic Violence, by providing toiletries throughout the year and Christmas gifts; the Soup Kitchen in Mill Street when Cannock Soroptimists helped to provide and prepare a Christmas meal and have supported Cannock Food Bank. In

Long Service Certificates for 20 years service

Long Service Certificates for 20 years service


Cannock Soroptimists held their AGM at the beginning of April. One of the final tasks out-going President Val Jones undertook was to acknowledge the years of service to Soroptimist International – and the Cannock & District club – that three members in particular have given. Pam McGauley, Trish Mellor and Lakhwinder Thompson all joined the Club in 1998 and so have each given 20 years of service to SI Cannock & District. To mark the occasion President Val presented each of them with a long service certificate. All three members have held the role of President within the club and Trish and Lakhwinder have each been club secretary. Trish has been Programme Action Officer, co-ordinating the work the club does to educate, enable and empower women and girls and has been the Club’s Press Officer for a number of years. Lakhwinder has been Treasurer, Membership

SI Cannock cheque to SNAP

SI Cannock cheque to SNAP


At the last Business meeting of her year as President of SI Cannock & District, Val Jones was delighted to present a cheque for £515.00 to the Special Needs Adventure Playground – SNAP – in Cannock. Bob Heighway, Chairman of SNAP went along to the meeting to receive the cheque. The money was raised at a coffee morning held at the home of Soroptimist Trish Mellor who thanked everyone for their incredible generosity which enabled them to raise such a fantastic sum. Bob told members he was amazed at the amount they had raised and expressed the gratitude of everyone who uses the wonderful facility on the Pye Green Road. Schools and families travel from all over the area to use SNAP as there is nowhere else locally for these youngsters to go. He explained that they rely on donations such as this one to

Book Launch – A history of women in 100 Objects

Book Launch – A history of women in 100 Objects


Cannock Soroptimists were thrilled when club member Dr Janis Lomas had a book published very recently. The book, ‘The History of Women in 100 Objects’ was written in collaboration with Professor Maggie Andrews and was featured in a national newspaper on International Women’s Day. It contains fascinating articles and pictures on such objects as the washing machine, sanitary towels, Mrs Beeton’s Book of Household Management and the scolds bridle! The 100 objects tell the tale of women and womanhood and symbolize the journey of women from second-class citizens with no legal rights, no vote and no official status to the people they are today. Some of the items oppressed women – maybe some still do that today. The launch was held at the Redditch Needle Museum on March 10th having been postponed earlier because of the weather conditions. Both women are historians specialising in Women’s

Graham White and his wonderful garden

Graham White and his wonderful garden


President Val Jones welcomed members to the final speaker meeting of her year in office. The speaker for the occasion was Graham White talking about the amazing transformation of his large garden plot into a stunning horticultural vision, which won him and his wife Judy a highly recommended place in the National Garden Scheme (NGS). With no previous experience he overcame the formidable obstacles of a steep embankment leading down into a swamp and small stream. He achieved this this with wife Judy – along with the muscle power of three teenage sons! They moved into their home in Uttoxeter 26 years ago and spent the first 17 years creating the garden which is now open to the public each year through the NGS. It was a fascinating and entertaining story which everyone thoroughly enjoyed – and the end result shown with some super photos

Snap Coffee Morning over £500 raised

Snap Coffee Morning over £500 raised


Cannock Soroptimists held a very successful coffee morning to raise funds for Cannock’s Special Needs Adventure Playgound – SNAP – located on the Pye Green Road. It is the only facility of its kind in the area, families come from all over the County and beyond to use it. Soroptimists have had an involvement with SNAP over many years and they were delighted to host this event for them. Nearly 50 people went along to the coffee morning held at the home of Soroptimist Trish Mellor; members and their friends and families were incredibly generous by donating cakes, raffle prizes and items for the bring and buy stall. As well as enjoying a morning of friendship everyone who went along was equally generous with the raffle and the bring and buy and a fabulous sum of £510.00 was raised!! Bob Heighway, Chair of SNAP, came

New Member

New Member


President Val Jones was delighted to induct a new member into the Cannock Soroptimist Club recently. She is Olivia Lyons, a young woman in her 20s whom President Val has known for a number of years. Olivia has attended several meeting and events as a guest and felt this organisation was the right one for her to join to enable her to pursue interests with other like minded women. Olivia lives in Rugeley where she was educated; it was whilst doing her Duke of Edinburgh award at Fair Oak School she realized she had a passion to assist and help others. She built on this at University, spending any spare time volunteering alongside various community groups, particularly helping the vulnerable. She was elected President of the Raise and Give Society (RAG) whose sole purpose was to arrange and fundraise for various charities through fun and