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Feel Good Look Good special event

Feel Good Look Good special event


 On Friday 27th May at Calf Heath Village Hall, Straight Mile, Wolverhampton WV10 7DW at 6.30pm Soroptimist International of Cannock & District are holding a free event for ladies of all ages.The event will enable ladies to receive information on topics such as health, wellbeing, nutrition & fitness in a friendly & relaxed atmosphere. There will be many stands from various women’s organisations.An exciting programme of speakers will commence at 7pm. There will be refreshments and a free prize draw.Soroptimist International of Cannock & District is an organisation for ladies whose aim is to improve the lives and status of women and girls through education, empowerment or enabling opportunities. They also support local charities and good causes.To find out more information about this free event contact: 07971 494510, to book in email  or you can just come along on your own or with friend

One and Eightpence in my Pocket

One and Eightpence in my Pocket


Cannock Soroptimists were joined by June Pickerill who gave us a fascinating talk with the intriguing title ‘one and eightpence in my pocket’. June told us the life story of her ancestor John Pickerill and the incredible good fortune she had in discovering some previously unknown letters.  It was finding these letters which changed the entire direction of her life and started her on a twenty year quest to find out more. Over twenty years ago June was faced with clearing out the home of an elderly aunt. By sheer luck she found a rusty old tin and on opening it discovered it contained nine letters. These letters were written in the years 1853-1864 and told of John’s adventures as he left his Hednesford home and travelled to South Australia in search of a better life. He wanted to be his own master and was

Cannock Soroptimists Entertained by Saucy Tales from Nell Gwynne

Cannock Soroptimists Entertained by Saucy Tales from Nell Gwynne


SI Cannock & District Annual 61st Charter Dinner at Cannock Chase Golf Club was attended by over 90 members & their guests including Soroptimists from other clubs in the Midland Chase Region.President Lynne Tuckley welcomed everyone and the Mistress of Ceremonies, President Elect Carole Holdcroft, introduced Maurice Partington, Past President of the Rotary Club of Cannock who gave the toast to Soroptimism. Regional President Alyson Green gave the response to SI Cannock. While the Past President of SI Bilston, Pat Cross gave thanks on behalf of the guests.  After an excellent meal  Lesley Smith, Curator of Tutbury Castle, provided the evening’s entertainment  She gave a highly entertaining performance dressed as Nell Gwynne, the long time Mistress of King Charles II of England.  She told many humorous & informative tales and everyone in the audience was enthralled by Lesley’s performance as she recreated the turbulent life

Modern Day Slavery Conference

Modern Day Slavery Conference


3 members of S I Cannock and District recently attended a conference at the County Show Ground, Stafford: the subject was “Modern Day Slavery”. There were a number of high profile speakers who addressed over 500 delegates made up of police officers, fire service personnel, volunteers and criminal justice agencies. Amongst the speakers were Sue Arnold, the deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Staffordshire and Jane Sawyer, Chief Constable of Staffordshire and a member from the UK Human Trafficking Centre of the National Crime agency. The message from them all was: There are more people enslaved in the world today than ever before. The Modern Day Slavery Act came into force in July 2015 and the high caliber of the speakers shows that whilst it is a major problem, many agencies are working together towards helping to stamp it out. Nigel Osman from Hope for Justice

Remembering June Hardman

Remembering June Hardman


President Lynne Tuckley led members of Soroptimist International Cannock & District in a minute’s silence as they remembered with affection long serving member June Hardman who died very suddenly in the latter part of 2015. This was the first time the Club had met since June’s death. June was 81 years of age, she was an active person, walking from her home near to Shoal Hill into Cannock own Centre many times each week. She sadly died whilst on her way to St Luke’s Church for a Wednesday communion. June had been an active member of the Club for over 37 years, following in the footsteps of her mother, Vi Bowen, a Soroptimist for 42 years. June’s daughter Debbie followed in the family tradition: between them these 3 women had worked to enable, educate and empower women through Soroptimism for 107 years. Members remember with

Soup Kitchen Christmas Meal

Soup Kitchen Christmas Meal


Each Christmas, SI of Cannock and District get involved in several projects to support others locally. One of these projects is the Christmas Lunch at the Warming Welcome Soup Kitchen, at Mill Street Church. A number of ladies from the church run the soup kitchen on a weekly basis throughout the year, providing a hot meal for those who otherwise wouldn’t have one. At the beginning of December club members, led by Soroptimist Carole Holdcroft, join them to provide a three course Christmas Lunch and tea and mince pies which is partly funded by the Soroptimist club. This year was no exception – Carole and several other club members prepared, cooked and served a meal complete with Christmas Crackers and all the trimmings to over 50 people. So many who joined in with the Christmas Lunch made a point of thanking the Soroptimists who had

Christmas Tree dressing

Christmas Tree dressing


Cannock Soroptimists and Cannock Friends of St Giles were amongst many businesses, organisations and charities who decorated a tree for the Tree Festival at St Luke’s Church in Cannock this year. The St Giles tree was decorated with green baubles and gold angels – green being the colour associated with the Hospice and the angels always part of the Hospice Christmas goods; Soroptimists used their colours of blue and yellow to decorate their tree. Hundreds of visitors were expected at the three day Festival when they could admire the trees and the Church, make donations to charities if they wished, buy from Craft stalls and enjoy a cup of coffee in the beautiful surroundings. Any donations received via the St Giles tree will be used to aid the work of the Hospice, caring for patients and their families at a time of great need. Donations

Christmas Fayre

Christmas Fayre


SI Cannock members enjoyed a very festive afternoon at the Norton Canes Community Centre Christmas Fayre on 5th December. Members chatted with fayre-goers about why they love being part of SI Cannock and the work they do for charities; including local domestic violence charity The Pathways Project. At the fayre, members sold Magical Reindeer Food to support Pathways and raised a total of £45 to buy gifts for children who will be spending Christmas in a domestic violence refuge. Children who bought the Magical Reindeer Food were thrilled to be able to help children less fortunate than themselves as well as being excited at being able to provide such sustenance for Santa’s reindeer! Service work lies at the heart of the club’s goals and they are committed to raising awareness of issues relevant to women and girls around the world – issues such as domestic

SI Cannock Xmas Party

SI Cannock Xmas Party


President Lynne Tuckley welcomed over 80 Soroptimists and their guests to their December Christmas Celebration when they were entertained by Master Henry. Alan Rawlins is a steward at Little Moreton Hall, a National Trust property in Cheshire, being a member of the education team. Little Moreton Hall demonstrates Tudor life for the majority of the population at the time – the poor people – rather than the Royals and the gentry of the period. We are all familiar with the way the rich dressed and behaved; Alan, as Master Henry, dressed in the clothing of a Tudor peasant, gave us a taste of life experienced by over 95% of people in Tudor Britain. Master Henry was both entertaining and informative: he told how much information has been gleaned from wills which was when all possessions had to be checked. If someone left their ‘best belt’

Christmas gifts

Christmas gifts


Christmas is Coming! Cannock Soroptimists are busy getting ready for Christmas – not for themselves but for many who will be in need this year. Throughout the year they support the Pathway Project and as Christmas approaches they will continue that support, in particular for the women and children using the refuge for women victims of domestic violence. The women and children who use the refuge will have left their homes with nothing and for many of them their whereabouts are unknown to family and friends. So, each Christmas, members of SI provide gifts for the women and the children, who always appreciate the fact that someone else thought of them at Christmas. Gifts were brought along to the Soroptimist meeting before being taken to the refuge and as always, members were incredibly generous, donating gifts of toys, beauty packs, clothing, books, jewellery…..all the things