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Patches for Peace

Patches for Peace


To celebrate the 60th Anniversary of their club in 2022 S.I. San Fernando of Trinidad  asked every Soroptimist club within  Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) Federation to create a ‘Peace square’. The squares could be created in any medium – knitted, crocheted, quilted or embroidered, but their theme must be peace. They also had to be 12 inches square and include the name of the club that had made it. All of the squares would be sewn together by SI San Fernando to make a peace quilt. The squares were collected at the 2022 SIGBI conference in Belfast, so that the quilt would be ready to be displayed at the Soroptimist International conference in Dublin in July 2023. S.I Cannock member Lynne Tuckley, an experienced cross stitcher, designed a square showing 2 doves with an olive branch and a border of multi coloured

69 Years and Counting!

69 Years and Counting!


Cannock and District Soroptimists celebrated their 69th Charter at a dinner with members, family and friends – many from other clubs within the Midland Chase Region – at The Barns, Huntington. Almost 100 enjoyed the evening, hosted by Lead Team President Carole Holdcroft who thanked all club members who have been part of the Team of Presidents for the last year– they had either led a meeting, organised an event – or both!  She welcomed everyone to the Annual Dinner and Lynne Eagle, President of Cannock’s mother club, SI Bilston responded on behalf of the guests. The evening was organised by Soroptimist Jill Gooch and her team with club members being involved with many aspects of the evening. The Chairman of Cannock and District Ladies Probus Anne Bumford made the toast to Soroptimist International with Region President Michelle Daws responding and praising Cannock club for

Christmas Gifts for the Foodbank

Christmas Gifts for the Foodbank


For many years Cannock and District Soroptimists have supported local Food banks – and like others they are very aware that the need is becoming greater and particularly so at Christmas. Soroptimists are also very aware that generally, women will do without themselves in order that their family can receive, whether that be food or gifts. Soroptimists worldwide Stand Up for Women, enabling, educating and empowering women in any way they can, which is why this year they decided to provide as many gifts for women as they could. Thanks to the amazing generosity of members and friends, which included donations from a pharmaceutical company, they have been able to provide 150 gifts – one for every woman who will be in need to help from local food banks this year! Nine Soroptimists spent a festive afternoon wrapping all of the gifts which they then

Remembering Local War Heroes

Remembering Local War Heroes


Cannock and District Soroptimists welcomed back local Historian Paul Bedford for their recent Speaker Meeting. The meeting was led by Team President Lynn Bedford; his talk this year was based on his book “Not Just Names” which pays tribute to the fallen soldiers of Cannock Chase. Paul explained how he had always been fascinated by the Great War 1914 – 1918 and had studied History at University. He became curious about the real people behind the names of the fallen soldiers and what their personal stories may be.  His research so far has taken over ten years and is made so much easier now that there are sites such as Ancestry and Find My Past. Paul gave a taste of some soldiers’ stories – many of course had been miners. Sapper Thomas Brough was born in Calf Heath and later lived in Chadsmoor with his

Cannock Soroptimists Mark 16 Days of Activism

Cannock Soroptimists Mark 16 Days of Activism


On Sunday morning, ten members of SI Cannock and District met at the bandstand in Cannock Town Centre as every year they mark the start of the Global 16 Days of Activism campaign that aims to end violence against women and girls across the world.  The campaign runs from 25th November until 10th December and calls for collective action to prevent and respond to gender based violence. During the 16 Days, Soroptimists encourage people across the globe to orange the world. As a bright and optimistic colour, orange represents a future free from violence against women and girls. This year the theme is ‘Wired For Change’ focusing on how technology can be used as a force of good or bad in gender based abuse. To highlight this, members of SI Cannock have decorated the Bandstand with orange ribbons and messages that support those women who are living

World Food Day

World Food Day


Three Soroptimists from the Cannock & District Club dedicated their time in collecting donations for Cannock Food Bank for World Food Day on 16th October 2023. For three weeks, Jill, Adrienne and June collected items generously donated by the general public.  Posters were made and placed outside their homes for donations to be made. The response was overwhelming: in total a huge amount of 535 items were donated. Included was: tinned vegetables, meat, soup, fish, baked beans, fruit and puddings; pasta, pasta sauce, cereal, milk, coffee and tea. These items were delivered to the Food Bank on Monday 16th October by our three Soroptimists. Vicky from Cannock Food Bank said, “This help from the Soroptimists is just wonderful”. The food bank hands out up to a ton of food every single week.  Pre-Covid, the food bank held approximately 12 tons of food at any one

A Witness for the Silent

A Witness for the Silent


This is how Sue Baumforth sees her role as a Forensic Investigation Manager. Sue was the guest speaker at this month’s speaker meeting presided over by Team President Jill Gooch. As well as a career in Forensics, Sue is also a Soroptimist and member of SI Wolverhampton Club. The talk given to her fellow Soroptimists was fascinating and demonstrated the passion she has for this important work in West Midlands Police. Sue was born and grew up in Cheshire but studied for a degree in Religion and Ethics in Birmingham. Her first job, surprisingly, was in a remote part of Shetland on a salmon farm. She was responsible for exploring the ethics of salmon farming in a humane and sustainable way. Later Sue returned to the Midlands as a Scene of Crime Officer. SOCO’s are called in to examine and collect forensic material which could

Region Soroptimists Learn about Books4Home

Region Soroptimists Learn about Books4Home


SI Cannock Soroptimists hosted the recent Midland Chase Region AGM held at Weston Village Hall. Members of the club provided delicious home-made cakes – which were thoroughly enjoyed! – made and served refreshments throughout the morning. Team President Lynne Tuckley welcomed everyone and showcased some of the work of the club, Team President Jill Gooch read the Vision and Mission statement. Clubs in the region were again asked to bring along pre-loved children’s books for Rotary Books4Home – 330 were donated! This was especially pleasing as the speaker for the morning was Co-founder of Books4Home Beverley Ricketts. Beverley gave a powerful presentation with some shocking facts and emotional stories. It is still the case that 1 in 8 disadvantaged children does not own a book of their own; only 43.4% of children aged 8-18 read for pleasure, the lowest rate since records began: for those

SI Cannock Go Stateside!

SI Cannock Go Stateside!


The Barns was the setting for the International Evening of S.I. Cannock and District this year. The Annual event had an American theme with the room decorated with red, white and blue balloons and American stars and stripes flags. Members of the club lit candles to mark each of the 5 federations of this international organisation. Harrisburg, on the east coast of America was the first friendship link of the club, establishing the link in 1967.  Former club member Margaret Lyons was the president of SI Cannock in 1984 and had strong links with Harrisburg. That year Margaret received a powder compact as a gift from their president, which this year Margaret passed on to Cannock’s Team President Trish Smith for safe keeping. A special message was read out by Lakhwinder Thompson, the Harrisburg link coordinator, wishing the club well, finishing with the words of Eleanor

A Trip to Wedgewood

A Trip to Wedgewood


On 7th September, one of the hottest days of the year, 3 members of SI Cannock & District joined members of SI Stafford for a visit to Wedgewood Pottery. The visit started at the home of a Stafford member, with morning coffee and then went onto Wedgewood Pottery for a factory tour. When the factory was opened in 1759 by Josiah Wedgewood approximately 1600 worked there, they even had their own railway stop. Today there are just 74 potters and artists. The larger vases are made in pieces and then put together with the potter putting their initials on the bottom of the piece. These are only made to order and can cost upwards of £10,000. Some of the decorations are transferred onto the items but the gilding is hand painted by the amazing artists. Numerous generations of local families still work at the factory.